
Sound familiar? Makes me think of Kairi and Samantha Burns. It's no wonder people tried to accuse me of being a psyop. That's exactly what they appeared to be (whether they actually were or not). Like I said, if I was a psyop, I would get along with everyone and find my way into your discords.
håkan managed to slip a little reference to it into their zine about affinity fraud lol
It still blows my mind that people would think a loud and abrasive communist who is off-putting to the vast majority of people on here is a psyop. I would make the absolute worst operative. Everyone I'd exploit already blocks/hates me after just a few months on here.
If I was a psyop, I'd spend my days pretending to be an anarchist while posting my tits and ass every single day. I'd be cute and nice (actually me IRL), but also edgy, into the right fandoms, and I'd get all the trans folks to love me. It's not that hard. I've kinda been that person before.
The people you should be worried about in our present historical moment are exactly like that. They gain followings by being lewd and edgy, but also uwu cute little kinky beans. They find perfect targets for their minions to go after. They display zero earnestness or strength of character.
And people on the outside looking in can see it plain as day, even if they aren't capable of articulating it. Something about these people is off, but they can't quite pin it down. They sense the red flags, but doubt themselves because of how popular these people become.
And it's no wonder I became a target within days of taking information about my disabilities out of my bio. It's not as acceptable to dogpile a trans woman with an mTBI who is on disability. But if she's just a trans communist, that's a lot easier to work with.
Just stop and think about who you give your loyalty to and why. These are the times we're living in. Everyone you know is capable of being corrupted and betraying you. Don't put /anyone/ on a pedestal, especially me. I hate that shit so much. I prefer to be down in the muck.
I actually may have blocked her because of something you, but I can't quite remember