
The LinkUs team will join us for our July meeting to present new transit maps, draft information on Transit Supportive Infrastructure (TSI) such as sidewalks and bike lanes, & more! Join is next Tuesday, 7/9 at 7pm in Meeting Room 1A at the Main Library on Grant.
This is a great opportunity for #Columbus #Ohio folks to ask all your questions and relay your concerns to the people tasked with gathering feedback on the project. The #LinkUS project includes a 45% increase in #COTA service (incl. 24 hr lines), new #BRT lines, and #bikelanes and sidewalks.
Why doesn't COTAplus run on weekends?
hey mary! our guess is that it’s tied to the availability of operators and their ability to increase service (or not) as a result. we will ask about expanded COTA plus service in the upcoming meeting with LinkUS and see what we can find out in the mean time.