
2/ the Office of Student Affairs (now Student Life) and how the campus experience of athletes at USC differs from normal students. I can't speak to what might have happened in the 60's but the story makes some very specific claims that simply don't make any sense if you know how USC functions.
3/ The first is that it's the Vice President of Student Affairs, and the office is in the Student Union, not the Topping Student Center, although Topping was next door to STU. More than that, the Office of Student Life deals with things like student orgs, the dorms, Greek Life, religious life…
4/ rec sports, etc. Even if the school had paid off two women in the 60's, there wouldn't be any record of it at Student Life. USC has a very robust Dept of Public Safety (campus police). If there were any records of assaults, they would be there, and they would have been long-since expunged by '95.
5/ OJ's experience on campus would have barely touched Student Life. Athletes tend to live in specific dorms, they eat in a special cafeteria, they have their own academic services desk in the basement of Heritage Hall. They go to class, and they practice. One only need look at the Matt Boermeester…
6/ fiasco to see that all processes for athletes run through Heritage Hall. They never touch the office of Student Life, so the idea that there were some incriminating records at USC from OJ's time there is just odd. Especially because anything that resulted in a pay-off in the 60's would have…
7/ Been handled by the President's Office, with the involvment of the General Counsel and the Board of Trustees. Also, USC would have zero interest in publicising that history (and thus woudl not need to be paid off), but also any pay off would not have stopped the DA from subpoenaing the records…