Bill Smith

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Bill Smith

New Hampshire, USA

Husband. Rescue Pibble parent. Podcaster. Star Trek Geek.
Co-Founder, with Co-Producer, TREKtalks Telethon.

RT/Follow ≠ endorsement.
I'm quoted in this story today & I stand by it. This museum has always been a grift & always been under the control of someone convinced of possessing child porn.
I'll be back next week to clean and meet the movers, but today is officially my last day as a New Hampshire resident! I've waited for this day for a long time, and I'm excited for the next adventure (and saying goodbye to New Hampshire winters)!
Time to pack the Trek Geeks microphone for the move south!
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to get 5 seasons, but I have such a strong connection to Star Trek: Lower Decks, especially since it kept me sane and laughing in the pandemic. It touched hearts, so today's new makes a lot of us sad. I have every confidence S5 will be amazing 🖖
Wow... 8 years ago today! Where does time go???
I get the sense that if there's a THIRD Beetlejuice movie, that we're all pretty screwed. (Then, the title would be...)
OMG if I never hear that "I'm Just Ken" song again, I'll be a very happy man. GMA has already played it SIX times in the last hour. Enough already! [Changes channel.]
This was a pretty amazing way to wake up this morning. ❤️🐶❤️
I haven't posted much about it here--largely because I'm still trying to get used to Bluesky--but my wife and I are excited to be moving to North Carolina next month and we've bought an AMAZING house!!
OK! This is real, now! The movers are BOOKED! 😁😁😁
I just realized that I can withdraw from my IRA without penalty in 5 years. Shit, that's depressing. LOL
As I enter into relocation planning for my move to NC in a few months, I'm curious: those of you who've done a long distance move--did you hire movers? Did you use a POD or similar drop off box? (I'm not renting a truck and doing it myself. I'm not as young as I once was.)
In 2023, Isabella really lived her best life. We didn't possibly think we could love her more than we already did, but each day gave us a brand new reason to adore this goofy girl. Isabella assures us that 2024 will see even more! Oh, and bellies. Lots and LOTS of bellies. ❤️
I'm so Old Fashioned. 😉🤣
At least Isabella has left me a LITTLE room...
Isabella decided she wanted to share my pillows with me this morning. I'm just glad that she left me some space. There are definitely worse ways to wake up in the morning. ❤️🐶❤️
I can see that this is going to be a regular thing. At least get to be Big Spoon. 🥄 (This time.)
Isabella is perfecting Pitflix and Chill today! 🐶❤️
What a momentous day in the history of Axanar, friends! 2,500 days since the lawsuit was settled allowing Axanar to proceed unencumbered and what a 2,500 days it's been! Almost 7 years. Almost 9 since the Kickstarter. TWO MILLION DOLLARS gone from the pockets of hard working Star Trek fans.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Smith
SAVE THE DATE! The 3rd annual Trek Talks to benefit Hollywood Food Coalition streams live on YouTube on Sat, Jan. 13! Join some of your favorite Trek stars for a day of panels to raise money for an amazing organization! Get updates on at!
Rubber Ducky Pibble!! ❤️🐶
This is probably how it will go for the Pats this week...
Here's the thing: regardless of what the DNC says (because there is no real Democrat contest in NH this time-Biden is an incumbent), NH's Sec of State is required BY LAW to set the Primary before any other state. People can have whatever feelings they want about it, but the SoS MUST obey the law.
N.H. sets presidential primary date for Jan. 23, defying Biden’s new primary The state’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary will come after Iowa, but New Hampshire Democrats will face punishment from the DNC for leapfrogging South Carolina.
It occurs to me that I'm doing this whole "mid life crisis" thing wrong. Instead of doing what some guys do & getting a sports car or a mistress, I got a depressive meltdown and meds. I mean, I did buy a RAV4, but it's not a Corvette. Maybe I should paint flames on it or a Starsky & Hutch stripe! 🤣
Today is a reminder to me to let those who were an influence in your youth--mentors, teachers, trusted friends, coaches...whomever--know what they mean to you before they're gone. You never know when there won't be any more opportunities to do so. 😥
Reposted byAvatar Bill Smith
Blueskies: share this P+ binge code with someone who needs to see Lower Decks!  It's helpful to have new viewers show up as I negotiate how many starships we're budgeted for in season 5. Code expires TOMORROW.  (You can also watch the D&D movie on there, which is great.)
So, back in January, we started to collect the squeakers from all the stuffies that Isabella murdered throughout the year. Today, we filled our NINTH gallon sized ZipLoc bag. 🤣 (We buy her clearance and close out toys to keep her happy since she destroys them in minutes. It makes her happy.)