Trent Dupuy

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Trent Dupuy

astronomer with no hobbies
You call these freshwater eels tuna?! What do you call (ahi) tuna?
Genuinely cannot believe people found Tilly - "too big" let's say - when #StarTrekDiscovery came out. She was straight up skinny for her body type. Maybe too skinny even.
This guy was allowed to board with this t shirt. What is going on here?
William Misener from UCLA giving dissertation talk #aas243. SiO vapor from the base of a H/He atmosphere impedes convection hence changing sub-Neptune radii. Also, a well delivered joke: "I was born in 1995, which either makes me seem really young or really old depending on who you are."
Transition from SiO vapor to SiH4 (silane) in the upper atmosphere is chemically similar to the CO/CH4 transition - neat!
Avatar talking about modeling cloud particles as fractals instead of spheres #aas243
What is the function of the very obvious Velcro patch on Kirk's left shoulder during the Klingon trial in Star Trek VI?
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't 🔭
finding a typo in this seminal paper (500+ citations) feels like finding a typo in the Bible
There is this really cool scene in BSG with the original 6, original Boomer, and Lucy Lawless, BUT it has this bizarre Caprica vanity plate constantly in the background. WHYYYYYY
End of feed.