Trip Hook

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Trip Hook

Geographer @ US EPA
Alexandria Co-Lead @ YIMBYs of NoVa

Del Ray, Alexandria, VA / Canaan Valley, WV
Put this map together showing where YIMBY-endorsed candidates (mayor+council) got the highest proportion of the vote. No big surprises, but some interesting patterns.
Checked out the new Pier Bar at the waterfront after voting with Cool spot to grab a drink literally on the river Pro-tip: go on a calm day. It's a floating pier and even these veteran sailors were seasick after 10 minutes.
Any displaced Midwesterners out there know a good place to watch the Lions and/or Packers tomorrow? I've given up trying to figure out how to watch at home
Bailed on my own NYE party for a good 45 minutes to drop in on the Bsky party. Got to sing 2 pop-punk songs from the early aughts, finally meet a bunch of fellow skeeters and YIMBYs, and even saw the Jet's Man. This definitely needs to be a regular thing. Thanks Becky and Joe!
A foot of fresh powder at White Grass (Canaan Valley, WV). 10/10 would recommend
Just got a message from my mom (a resident of Elk Rapids, Michigan) asking why someone reached out to her to take a survey about a new zoning policy in Alexandria. She does not and has not ever lived in Alexandria.
Apparently CLA's strategy to avoid a repeat of the Will Shen incident was to react angrily to any question as an "inquisition"
Self-loathing urbanists?
End of feed.