
Just got a message from my mom (a resident of Elk Rapids, Michigan) asking why someone reached out to her to take a survey about a new zoning policy in Alexandria. She does not and has not ever lived in Alexandria.
Lmao are you serious or is this satire
Can you please ask your mother for receipts? Too funny to not share with some key people in Alx, but don’t wanna do that unsubstantiated
Sure, I'll ask and see if she can send a screenshot or something. It's too weird to be a coincidence, there must have been some crossed wires linking her number to me somehow. Just doesn't say a lot for the poll itself
Yeah that’s my takeaway. If it’s bad enough that one of our moms in another state is getting the survey, it doesn’t speak well to the overall data integrity
Did she just get that now? Or did she get it Thursday/Friday of last week and just ask now?
She just asked now, she said it came through a couple days ago. Will check to confirm
Well this would certainly go a long way toward explaining why so many survey respondents had never heard about the zoning initiative
Man I hope CLA texts my mom next, she was not happy about the tone of some of their speakers on Saturday. They’d be in for quite the scolding
Just confirmed that she received it at her cell number last Thursday.