Troyce aka Morfin

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Troyce aka Morfin

Retired IT manager, SF geek, medievalism, Tolkien, ham radio, Murderbot. Married to Martha Wells.
Dear Democrats desperate to replace Biden. I'm not a huge Biden fan, but I do believe he's done a very good job as president. I also worry some about electability. However, none of you have yet to express a well-reasoned proposal on who he should be replaced with? 1/2
After yesterday's assassination attempt, we need to immediately double down on our thoughts and prayers and loosen gun restrictions, because it's what Trump and the NRA would want.
Great. The wind blew down the limb holding up my ham radio dipole :(
How does Houston know if a hurricane is coming? It checks to see if Joel Osteen has locked the doors of his "church."
It’s disconcerting to see a weather bulletin warning about a tropical storm until 10:14 NEXT Saturday.
Hey, check out's collection of short stories from the award-winning Lady Astronaut series. This is one of my favorite SF series! You can support the project here:
Silent Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
Watching The Core on TV. Anything with Delroy Lindo is good, and adding Stanley Tucchi is icing on the cake. Plus, unlike Professor Lindenbrock, they are journeying the American way. They're DRIVING!
Does anyone else think the Locus Award stream on YouTube was using dialup? On AOL? ;)
Your daily dose of bad news. Global collapse of modern civilization to start around 2040-2050 (I'll be 81-91, so don't expect me to be able to help).
The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt? An evolutionary biologist and a science fiction writer walk into a bar … and mull over survival.
Trump is guilty! Now I'm not holding my breath for him to do prison time. I suspect a fine and probation. But rather than an ankle monitor, might I suggest an iron mask?
There's a rumor that a brain eating worm made its way into Trump's skull and starved to death.
After extensive cleanup by, we discovered we have a pineapple guava bush :)
We got luccky. We got to see about a minute of totality before clouds closed in so we count ourselves very lucky. We saw it get as dark as night, we briefly saw the diamond ring effect, and then got to see the totality with a corona.
Supposedly CERNE in Switzerland was going to open a portal to another dimension at Totality. Has anyone heard if Trump got shoved through it on time?
Cover Reveal! I'm happy to be the first to reveal the cover art of the exciting first collaboration by Martha Wells and John Scalzi: The Murderbot Preservation Society! Coming this fall from TorDotCat.
You’ve been murdered. Who do you want on the case?
Drop a ship that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek. Jupiter 2
We've just lost power briefly for the 2nd time today. In related news, we get our second quote for solar panels/batteries tomorrow. F*ck you Ercot.
People might want to continue avoiding Boeing max airplanes.
Happy Book Reissue day to my sweetie. To this day, Element of Fire is my favorite book of hers. I consider it the book she wrote for ME, as I had been a Royalist cavalier in the SCA and the book drips Dumas.
So Wendy's, this: Considering that a third of the time I order drive through and you get my order wrong so it's inedible for me, all I can say is f*ck you and your "gouge the customer" pricing. And you other industries with "dynamic" pricing? F*ck you too.
No, AI. Not McDonald's restaurant. The McDonald Observatory in West Texas.
Sandy Wood, retired announcer for StarDate (the first radio show I wrote for!) passed away last week. One of Google's top results for her obituary is an AI-written travesty that claims she worked, not for UT's McDonald Observatory, but "At the McDonald’s restaurant on the University of Texas campus"
Breaking news. Donald Trump is demanding that Dave McCarty be put in charge of counting the votes for the Electoral Collage.
I'm so sad to hear this. I listed to Col. Bob for many years on Saturday mornings for Morning Edition on NPR (until the SOB running NPR at the time took him off the air before his anniversary). Say hello to Cokie Roberts for us.
Bob Edwards has died. I will never forget meeting him at the public radio conference in 1998, SF. To be in the presence of a giant, a defining voice of NPR… gave me the first inkling of how my life had changed. And also to hear him swear like a sailor…. ;)
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country." This wasn't said by Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. It was Franklin Roosevelt, June 16, 1933. It's not a new idea.
What are 5 topics you can talk about unprepared for 5 minutes? 1. Lord of the Rings. 2. Medieval English history. 3. Astronomy and Cosmology 4. Movie swashbucklers 5. Computers