Susan (George) Schorn

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Susan (George) Schorn

Violence prevention advocate, specializing in groin strikes.
I searched the New York Times for "Trump"
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
2nd best thing is probably hammer how bad scotus is. Any policy question, turn it into "well we've gotta get better judges in there who know what the hell they're doing. They're saying trump has the power to storm the capitol but I don't have the power to forgive student loans for god's sake"
Probably the best thing Biden could do re: the ABC interview is crack a joke about how many people are saying with tears in their eyes that he did a great job in the debate & then discuss the challenges of debating someone who lies all the time, reminding ppl of all the insane shit Trump said
Brett Kavanaugh, Clinton-Lewinsky inquisitor, 1998: Bill Clinton is guilty of disgrace for making "frivolous privilege claims" at the Supreme Court
Let’s not forget Brett Kavanaugh was a lead attorney on Ken Starr’s independent counsel team (the office which Scalia decried in Morrison) and complained bitterly internally (see below) they weren’t doing enough to prosecute Bill Clinton for perjury
Watch for the American Right to begin to make claims that by overreacting to and mischaracterizing the Trump immunity decision, critics are causing “unrest”, and then watch for them to use that to justify the things Trump does.
"The truckers are demanding to be paid for the long hours they spend waiting to load and unload frac sand, more restroom facilities near loading areas and the ability to negotiate pay rates based on driving times and cargo weight"
Truckers protest in Permian Basin over unpaid hours, lack of Truckers hope protest over unpaid hours, lack of restrooms will spark Permian Basin labor movement.
7/1/2024 will go down as one of the worst days in American history, and this is how the NYT website was covering it yesterday, under seven (7)(VII) articles about Biden's age.
basically I’m fine voting for three pinwheeling clown shoes mounted to motorized broomsticks that come to my house every morning and kick me in the nuts when I open the front door, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that biden isn’t demonstrating any control of the narrative right now
You can have concerns about Biden's age, but still be absolutely appalled about editorial choices that convey the issue as more important than the Supreme Court offering a pre-emptive thumbs up to a criminal presidency
I have been saying since February that major media are 100% devoted to But Her Emails 2, but I didnt imagine it would get this bad. The day after SCOTUS stops the law applying to Trump, we have to scroll thru 4 fucking top stories on “Biden old” & an ad before getting to anything on SCOTUS decision
Austin, a head’s up: Austin Animal Center has this week closed intake for surrendered animals, and APA is brimming with pets. If you’re able to foster or adopt from either facility, please consider it. APA is only taking pets from AAC at the moment, and adoption fees are 50% off at APA thru 7/3.
I just spent five minutes of my lunch break calling the White House, Schumer, and Durbin and asking for these 5 things: 1. Haul Alito and Thomas in to Judiciary for hearings; 2. establish an inspector general for SCOTUS under Article III; 3. docket reform, esp. the mandatory docket; . . . .
Apart from the humor here: Biden and Congress absolutely can and should be scrutinizing SCOTUS's budget with a microscope, and attaching alllll the strings.
a funny thing Biden could do, unitary-executive-authority-wise is just order GSA to stop cutting paychecks to a bunch of Republican judges and law clerks for a while.
a funny thing Biden could do, unitary-executive-authority-wise is just order GSA to stop cutting paychecks to a bunch of Republican judges and law clerks for a while.
"with the Constitution if they could, but at any rate to save the country." Word.
Douglass speaks urgently to our crisis. "It was an honest president backed up by ... people ... who regarded society as superior to its forms... They resolved to save the country with the Constitution if they could, but at any rate to save the country. To this we owe our present safety as a nation."
I think what's most surprising to me about the immunity decision is that I assumed the conservative justices saw trump as a liability, in the sense that they clearly have a free hand to implement an evil agenda without him. But apparently they actually really like him & welcome chaos
It's too bad the 2nd Amendment dudes who swore they'd be the undauntable defenders of our democracy against attack by a brutal monarch turned out to be too busy denouncing rainbow plushies at Target.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
bringing this here because i've had it
"We need a strong institution that sits outside of electoral politics, that is not at the mercy of right wing courts, that has its own inherent form of power that can be exercised on behalf of the public good, that will naturally work toward progressive goals. My friends, that is the labor movement"
Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
I'll be the first to admit that anger has a lot of drawbacks, but let me tell you something folks: It beats the holy fuck out of fear.
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
the dog caught the car
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
roberts essentially ignores the purpose of separation of powers, which was not to create entirely separate spheres of action but to prevent the emergence of unchecked authority. instead, he says, separation of powers *demands* unchecked authority.
to put a sharper point on this, the President’s power to pass an executive order regulating emissions is severely hampered. his power to use the DOJ or the military to regulate emissions is nearly unlimited
The speech I just watched seemed to boil down to "the voters have to vote against Trump." Nothing about reining in the court, nothing about any damn thing he's going to do. Way to telegraph helplessness.
a good way to alleviate concerns about Bidens debate performance / age *and* concerns about court overreach would be for Team Biden to schedule a short TV speech on it and give a firebrand performance about what he intends to do about it just sayin
a good way to alleviate concerns about Bidens debate performance / age *and* concerns about court overreach would be for Team Biden to schedule a short TV speech on it and give a firebrand performance about what he intends to do about it just sayin
my fellow americans, for my first official act with no criminal oversight I’m going to make mitch mcconnell box a kangaroo in the octagon
Is there any other functioning democracy today tat has a standard of "absolute immunity" for its head of state? I'm curious how our friends and allies around the world are going to perceive this.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
If there were ever a time for malicious compliance, this is it.
There are a lot of things Biden could do now to keep Trump out of office and encourage conservative justices to retire without risking prosecution, and I hope he will take the initiative and use his new powers for as many official acts as possible until those powers are removed.
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not