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Dog, cat, and rat lover, art historian, atheist, science-fiction. Democrat. LGBTQIA ally. No MAGA.
Suggest that voting third party will put Trump in power again and get told my Democratic candidates are racists, that I secretly hate democracy. I guess they'll use any excuse for third party voting in a year when voting that way would likely put the most dangerous man on the planet back in power!
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Personally, I'd rather live in the country where a failed coup results in getting booked at the county jail like a common criminal, rather than the country where a failed coup results in blasting a plane out of the sky with surface-to-air missiles.
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
New: Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to news websites and competitors he dislikes, including this one. Five-second delays on links to Bluesky, New York Times, Reuters, Facebook, Instagram, Threads and Substack. Most other sites we tested have zero delay
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
I remember the 2000 Election. There were enough votes for Ralph Nader to hand the election to George W. Bush. I remember the 2016 Election. There were enough votes for Jill Stein to hand the election to Donald Trump.
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Decades of fighting for LGBTQ+ rights should have brought an end to discrimination, yet scapegoating persists. As a Japanese-American who endured forced relocation as a child, the echoes of history are alarming. Let's remember, demand change, and vote to protect our future.
The Ugly Danger of George Takei writes about the dangers of Republican efforts to scapegoat the LGBTQ+ community, having been scapegoated along with the Japanese American community during WWII internment.
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Dear MSNBC: Please retire Andrea Mitchell. She was just whining to Hawaiian Senator, Brian Schatz, that President Biden didn't speak immediately about the wildfires and that it was a failure of leadership. She's an embarrassment every day and long past her "retire by" date.
The first sentence of this article says so much. "If only public figures’ fear of the judgment of history outweighed their appetite for power in the present."
Reposted byAvatar Laurie0546
Happy to be here! This is a breath of fresh air...and of course, blue sky!
End of feed.