Anna Jane ๐Ÿ’™

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Anna Jane ๐Ÿ’™

Scary music @ First Line of Defense
Otherwise just a jaded nocturnal cat lady
At first we were playing with broken buttons, but when I swung back around the machine was fixed! I played a bunch of people today and let me tell you every single one of them sat down and immediately said something about how much they love this game. Pure fun and positivity. PLAY MELTY.
Avatar at EVO and Mr Driller turned out to be Melty!
Ok we just watched the first episode of the deer anime and it fucking ruled
Really enjoying Tsukihime remake so far! Original story feels thoughtfully redone, with several new wtf characters to keep everyone curious. Art is gorgeous. Modern VN conveniences rock. Melty Blood spoilers are a bummer but there still feels like plenty of mystery. Tohno still always frustrates me.
With the new Tsukihime box, I finished putting together the Melty Blood shelf! It's been an insane past few years but all the hours spent pit-fighting anime girls has really been a strange blessing for my mental health. Now we can start the grueling wait for Red Garden! And Sacchin!
Holy shit! Years in the making I can't believe I am actually holding it in my hands!
We finally got all of our CLAMP stuff together in one place for display! We've built up gradually for a while and our xxxHolic collection in particular is pretty decent but we've got tons more manga to get and who knows what else we will find (or make)!
Olga of Kiev was fucking serving 1000 years ago
Chain letter reposting time! It's like a Tenacious D tribute situation. Offer 30 songs to the devil and RePoSt ThIs To FiVe FrIeNdS or your soul is toast.
I just saw the cover for Brutal Truth's Evolution Through Revolution and have so much internet brain rot I immediately recognized that they lazily used this clown bomb picture that's been floating around for as long as I can remember.
Just finished Astro Note and it was definitely my favorite anime this season. Just a sweet, fun show that was a joy to watch the whole way through.
The Big Sleep. What an intro, the highlight of the entire movie! I remember really liking this one but after having just seen To Have and Have Not, I honestly prefer that. The snappy, concise Hemingway-style dialogue just hits better than some of the wordier slick talk to me, though I love that too.
Saw Samantha Giddens wonderful art exhibit at the Windmill Library and felt compelled to donate to Shine a Light to keep paying the message forward. It looks like all donations are being matched right now, and it's going to be 107ยฐF tomorrow.
Finally one I have an answer to! This is like my favorite fucking thing we make, chips and refrieds homemade
Got my first ever pinball high score! Haven't even played Looney Tunes that much but I kept afloat long enough to light the 50 mil and suddenly that's all folks! 6 free games!
Players made it to the cover of the book today! Demogorgon is rising from the water and we had to cut off halfway through the skill challenge to survive and escape! One player rolled a nat 20 on their deception check and tricked a literal god into granting them a boon to use against him. D&D folks!
Learning how to play Mahjong! I'm so excited I've wanted to try for years
I made my first ever plush! All hand sewn and tbh I'm really proud of how it turned out. Where all my CLAMP heads at who will put some respect on Mokona?
With Sailor Saturn today, I've completed the team! The Glitter & Glamour figures are nice and were affordable enough to trick me into building up the whole squad as they released. Sailor Venus has the best pose and Sailor Pluto's keys are my favorite detail, though I wish she had her staff!
Haul from Anime Las Vegas! I knew I'd be able to find Neco Arc somewhere but was thrilled to find Arcueid! The Kaguya MCR shirt is AMAZING! But there was NOT A SINGLE MOKONA in the entire venue, at least as far as we saw. Shame. Despite that, we had a great time and would definitely go again!
My Dragon Warrior post got more traction than I was expecting. If bluesky are such hardcore retro gamers maybe you guys will appreciate my black mage I made a few years ago and is still one of the best things I've sewn
Thanks for the recommendation! Whereas with Final Fantasy everyone kind of talks all the time about which ones are their favorite, I have no clue whatsoever about which DQ games are popular or beloved at all. The only thing I knew of from cultural osmosis was the slimes, credit again to Toriyama!
I really enjoyed Dragon Warrior a lot! I will definitely move on to #2 sometime and I'm debating whether or not to go back and replay/finish Final Fantasy 1 and keep the NES JRPG train rolling
Started playing the original Dragon Warrior and I'm enjoying it a lot actually. I've only played Dragon Quest 11 prior to this, but I think I already like this game more than the original Final Fantasy.
I feel really satisfied that I was able to beat it without any hints or anything as well. The single solution I had to look up in Legend of Zelda haunts me to this day...
My rule for playing retro games is that I can only use methods available from those days. I make sure to read the manuals and if I REALLY need a hint I will look up scans of Nintendo Power on Internet Archive. Anything beyond that I have broken the oath. Dragon Warrior I didn't even need The Power!
DBZ was huge for me as a kid and I continued discovering and enjoying Toriyama's other work through different stages of my life for 20 years since. And he really was so much more than the name on the book throughout all that manga with so many personal notes and inserts of himself. Eternal legend.
Ran session 1 of Out of the Abyss tonight and it was great! Been foaming at the mouth for like a month waiting to start