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Person of disinterest.
Fan of games, TTRPGs, board games, video games, et cetera. Part-time cynic. I also like cats and enjoy playing piano.
All of this shit is a little hard to handle. I swear I feel a panic attack bubbling up every time I even think about looking in on Bluesky, so I'm going to try and take a break and not indulge in whatever below surface impulse/fetish I have for running into doom spirals.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Oh, thank God. It took them long enough to get here. Another delay, and they would have found a world with the life already exterminated.
Strange Shapes Have Been Revealed in Earth's Upper Atmosphere : ScienceAlert NASA scientists have discovered something of an alphabet soup in the ionosphere, the part of Earth's atmosphere that sits about 48–965 kilometers (30–600 miles) above our heads www.sciencealert.com/strange-shap...
Strange Shapes Have Been Revealed in Earth's Upper Atmospherewww.sciencealert.com What's going on?
Go to the gym, or go and buy bagels instead? This was not a difficult decision.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
I can't believe we, as a species, invented bread and cheese - two things that require multiple, complicated steps as well as microbe husbandry - and this is the best political system we've got
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Wikipedia Foundation exhibiting a greater level of institutional support for its frontline than most colleges, universities, and newsrooms -
The foundation that owns Wikipedia said it respects the decisions of volunteer editors after receiving a letter from Jewish groups calling on the foundation to override a move by editors to declare the Anti-Defamation League an untrustworthy source on Israel & Zionism. www.jta.org/2024/06/25/u...
Wikipedia’s operator rebuffs Jewish groups’ call to override editors on ADL trustworthiness - Jewish Telegraphic Agencywww.jta.org More than 40 Jewish groups told the Wikimedia Foundation that the decision to label the Anti-Defamation League "unreliable" makes the Jewish community less safe.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
A viral blog post from an FTC lawyer warned companies to stop advertising AI as "having feelings." It was a truly funny post! It also reveals why Silicon Valley is so afraid of Biden — and backing a fascist like Trump. Tech is becoming scam-dependent. www.salon.com/2024/06/24/a...
A viral blog post from a bureaucrat exposes why tech billionaires fear Biden — and fund Trumpwww.salon.com Silicon Valley increasingly depends on scammy products, and no one is friendly to grifters than Trump
Was going to finally play through Dragon Age Inquisition, but I'm having a hell of a time getting into it. For being so combat focused, the fighting just feels so mushy and inprecise. I recall a lot of people really digging this game, but I'm at a loss for what I am failing to see here.
Still trying to stick to something after completing "1000 year door." Maybe I need to play something 16bit today...
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
20 years ago the shitposting community was still in its infancy and we didn’t have as many posting techniques yet so we just looked at the same picture of a butthole every day.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
If I opened up free portfolio reviews for marginalized writers looking to get into writing for Paizo, would people be interested? BIPOC would be prioritized. I can't get you jobs at Paizo, just help you with your skills. I have a background in theater education, so I have experience giving feedback.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
No one believes that with regard to the generation of the art. A prompt is not creation. That's like saying speaking your order into the drive-in mic means you cooked your burger and fries.
Feeling strongly about this idea again. Goddamn some people need another hobby to split their free time up.
I wish the mute function on here had an optional timer. I only follow people I generally like, but even the best of us can get wound up and start posting a whirlwind of stuff and sometimes I wish I could just mute someone for 24hours so I can see what some other people have to say.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Hello! It's Juneteenth. It was made a federal holiday in 2021, and commemorates the end of slavery in the US. You can read about it here. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junetee...
Juneteenth - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Whales and elephants, man. Real live aliens, and all we do is steal their bones and fat for ornamental purposes, like the Texas Chainsaw Family of the food chain
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
I love that according to these dipshits, God is apparently so weak and feeble that everybody has to be super careful not to do anything "against his plan" lest the entire universe fucking collapse.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Please listen to me very carefully right now: Learn to take and celebrate small short wins, to build momentum and morale, or you and everyone you need to fight beside you will be burned out, demoralized, and demotivated before the next big opportunity comes along.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
"Expand public transit and make it free? And who's gonna pay for that?" Me you fucking goofy bastard. I pay taxes. give me healthcare instead of buying another 700,000 tear gas canisters for the police to spray on my friends.
Steampunk: Overdone and cliche. How many goggles and hats do we really need? Cyberpunk: Been there, done that. Actual tech is way dumber than the fiction led us to believe it would be. Regretpunk: Yeah, now this is the good shit.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
i have no fewer than 9 medical professionals working with me (not counting nurses or PAs because there are so many i couldn’t even count) & 3 mental health professionals—& i think my bottom surgeon requires me to meet with *their* in-house shrink as well. and i’ve had a pretty streamlined process.
i wish more people would understand that trans care is done by a TEAM, and not just one person especially in the case of minors.
What if Star Wars had been inspired by The Hidden Fortress and Flesh Gordan?
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Sad that you ask someone in tech what they most want in the world and a lot of shitty people raise their hand and say "slaves, but I don't want to feel too icky about it."
Dunking my donut in hot coffee and then eating it as the hot liquid melts the sugar and starch like a spider with a sweet tooth.
Diablo, and ARPGs in general lost their way when individual enemies stopped being a threat and the entire game just turned into an exercise in crowd control. It can be amusing in a short burst, but in the long run it feels as compelling as mopping a floor. www.destructoid.com/diablo-4s-lo...
Diablo 4's loot rework is a huge win, but a new problem needs attentionwww.destructoid.com Diablo 4's massive loot rework and game overhaul improved it in most ways, but there's a new problem that makes grinding less rewarding.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Does not matter the context. Does not matter how many times I see it. This image is in my Mt Rushmore of “Will Laugh My Ass Every Time”
Next Elder Scrolls game's magic system has been revealed:
last night i dreamt that magic was a thing in our world, and anyone could use it, but somehow it got moved to a subscription model, so out of nowhere your invisibility charm could dissolve until you made the appropriate micro-payment
It's nice to laugh some times. Its also funny to watch a total shit weasel bastard step in dog shit even if at the end of the day it won't really change much of anything. Right now though, a lot of terrible people are so mad they are pissing themselves in rage, and that's nice to see.