
This is the big reason I can’t spend time there. It’s seeing people I follow, well-regarded colleagues and friends, who cannot help but take the rage-bait.
Opened Twitter just now. One thing I can't stand what everyone is doing over there is they keep engaging with rage bait tweets and accounts.
I deeply empathize! I know I’m in the For You tab when I see several tweets in row of people I don’t follow that have me thinking, “Oh this seems manufactured in a lab to annoy me, specifically,” and I think that’s by design! It’s bad there!
I also get that people will act wild everywhere, but the big difference between this place and Twitter is that the platform itself making sure you work yourself up into a rage just so you spend more time there.
💯 Every single time I go there and open the feeds, I see something that upsets me. WITHOUT FAIL. And I already have so many muted words and blocked accounts. It sucks because there is some people who have not yet made the jump, but I dread going there more every time I do.
yeah, it's the hardest when the artists we like keep engaging rage baits. Can't block or mute them because I want to see their art
I thought we'd all agreed that Bluechecks are actively saying whatever to get you angry enough to leave a comment and give them the engagement for pay. Couple months later, everyone's forgotten. The dopamine hit from a good dunk QT is HARD to resist.
I deleted my account a few months ago I guess? Or longer? Lost some contacts, won’t see updates from people, but Twitter (like Facebook) was already not showing me my friends’ content, so it didn’t really feel like a loss.