
Project 2025 was from the Chris Rufo school of fascist communications, where you discuss your evil schemes out loud, confident the "normies" are not paying enough attention to notice. But now it seems less politically engaged people are taking notice.
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
Why read past headlines: If you wonder why Trump and his cronies say terrible things out loud that should turn off swing voters, this article explains it. But it's a high-risk/high-reward fascist strategy. With Project 2025, it may be backfiring.
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
I wrote this Wednesday, drawing on search data and social media evidence. But I got anecdotal confirmation last night. I was a 4th party and spoke to an educator from a suburban district who expressed worry about "plan 2025 or whatever it's called."
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
They are right about one thing, MAGA certainly are revolting.