Hønkbål Tæme in Höuston

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Hønkbål Tæme in Höuston


The reason I can't have nice things. Glutton for Astros punishment. Minority owner of Detroit City FC. Cheap Trick Enthusiast. Consumate Deadhead. #PNEFC #MUBB #GoLeafsGo
When my town of 3,989 people (2020 Census) has its own version of Monopoly, the Monopoly city craze is out of control.
I enjoy scaring my sleeping dogs with Tibetan singing bowls.
Ladies: before you quit your high paying ad exec job in the city and move in with the handsome charming flannel-wearing Christmas-loving man who runs an adorable small business in your hometown, remember to ask where he was on January 6 👀
Home from vacation, haven't even started work and already my blood pressure is elevated. #BlessUp
Good weekend on the Shawnee Wine Trail. Sad to be coming home tomorrow, but the 3 cases of wine coming with me are a nice consolation.
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Lake weekend with the subtle sounds of the Rusty Reel Lake Jam in the background.
End of feed.