
Trump reportedly “bemoaned a lack of immigrants to the US from ‘nice’ countries ‘like Denmark [or] Switzerland’, offering millionaire donors at a FL fundraiser a reprise of infamous racist Oval Office remarks about ppl coming to America from ‘shithole countries’.
Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the Ex-president avoided past ‘shithole countries’ racist invective, but said the US hadn’t gotten enough immigrants from ‘nice countries’
The last thing that people living in "nice" countries want to do is move to the United States.
Why the fuck would they want to come here? Their countries set the standard compared to us; not in demographics, but in actual political systems? They're easily superior. We're third world (compared to them), and actually will be if capitalism continues to have its way here.
I for one am shocked. Totally out of character for him.