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Artist - gamedev - freelancer
with a biology degree.
Made: Zniw Adventure. Making: Zid Journey
Worked with: Colors Live | Beastieball.
Dinosaurs & v-pet enthusiast.
I paint on Nintendo consoles sometimes.
Tfw you get a contract that expressly prohibits *any* use of genAI to create the work, and also prohibits the publisher from using what I create to train genAI under penalty of legal action, we love to see it 😭
Updated Pentaceratops!!! Some dinosaurs get a new dinopedia art so the new game has a consistent art style. But this one? I couldn't stand it. It's one of the ugliest drawings I have ever created. I despise it. So I put effort into updating it so it doesn't suck anymore. #dinosaurs #paleoart
I am revamping Zniw Adventure's Pentaceratops because I can't stand the original's ugliness😭 But Before I finish... ...I gotta decide whether to transfer Trike's cold colors (Trike got forever scrapped and won't be returning) or to keep the original orange...🤔🤔🤔
Houndstone is a Skullgreymon dog
I saw the mountain's little frowny face at the bottom and now I can't unsee it.
Glad that someone noticed it. You are the first person who did
It's actually best before date in case of the most edible salt but expiration date sounds funnier. That said I saw some salt packaging with exp date too...
Yes, we have both. If you ask about the salt in the strip: I simplified it and gave myself the liberty for the sake of better flow and funnier punchline
In case of the water the traces of the plastic container enters the water and poisons it especially in warmer temperatures. Bacterial growth is rarer unless it has been opened or there's some serious issue at the manufacturer.
This bothers me so much
Yeah salt will clump together but it doesn't really make it bad. Some artificially added compounds can deteriorate over time tho but the salt itself should be ok Salt has the before date but I simplified it for better flow punchline and wording
"Winter Moon" took me 10 years to finish - sometimes art takes awhile. #SciArt #Paleoart
Abandoning a WIP doesn’t mean you're giving up. It's okay to pick it up later when the time feels right, or your skills feel more suited.
This bothers me so much
Orange is winning!
I am revamping Zniw Adventure's Pentaceratops because I can't stand the original's ugliness😭 But Before I finish... ...I gotta decide whether to transfer Trike's cold colors (Trike got forever scrapped and won't be returning) or to keep the original orange...🤔🤔🤔
I am revamping Zniw Adventure's Pentaceratops because I can't stand the original's ugliness😭 But Before I finish... ...I gotta decide whether to transfer Trike's cold colors (Trike got forever scrapped and won't be returning) or to keep the original orange...🤔🤔🤔
Houndstone is a Skullgreymon dog
I don't think I have one but I'm QRP cuz this art is cool
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! 🩵 90% of my characters have long hair :') but here's Martin
I have never seen such a perfectly anime looking cat
good lord
Thanks! Another look:
Check out this bug I designed for Beastieball!
Each name carves out an audio-lingual space that belongs to each Beastie. Just like their visual design, it’s part of what establishes their individuality! 🖌️:
You know how people comment they love the colours and patterns I do on my designs... Well, the thing is - I spend a liiiiiittle too much on that part lol #gamedev #characterdesign #paleoart #dinosaurs #sketches #zidjourney
Hey #PortfolioDay ! I'm a children's book illustrator and letterer who loves creating whimsical pieces! :) Available for work: - Lettering - Picture Books and more....
You know how people comment they love the colours and patterns I do on my designs... Well, the thing is - I spend a liiiiiittle too much on that part lol #gamedev #characterdesign #paleoart #dinosaurs #sketches #zidjourney
Not amused, certainly xD
Reminder that I have got a Kickstarter going right now for my illustrated novel, The Grandest Tales of Clementine – ending July 31st. If you enjoy my work, this is a great way to support it! Here are a few things you might like about the book: (1/7)
Yeah, if you follow a lot it's hard to keep up, but that's understandable.
QRT with your profile pic An incredibly agitated Velociraptor
QRP with your profile pic. I drew this for a Halloween zine that never saw daylight, but I absolutely love him, so now he is beloved OC.