Pat McDermott

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Pat McDermott

knitter, museum goer, jazz lover, gardener, pesto maker
#BookSky Challenge: Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #20books #20books20days 1/20
#BookSky Challenge: Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #20books #20books20days 2/20
#BookSky Challenge: Choose 20 books that greatly influence you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #20books #20books20days 3/20
I am swatching for this year’s Rhinebeck sweater (a new garment knit to wear to the NY State Sheep & Wool Festival in October). #StitchSaturday
I am beginning a New (?) Bluesky event: #StitchSaturday for folk to share their fiber art projects, thoughts, questions, and whatever.
I’m taking this advice to heart. I’ve been reading some terrific books, and I’m going to talk them up wherever I can. Just reread one of my recent favorite novels, The Last Flight by Julie Clark. Great suspense, great characters. So good I gave copies to my sister, my sister-in-law, and my niece!
A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
End of feed.