
this guy was following me and a lot of others in this “cluster”—y’all should check to see if he’s following you too
🌌 this place has THE JUICE good lord this random incel bragging about his dick size OUT OF NOWHERE is bringing me so much joy mald incel mald
He's absolutely here to be "the main character" by his own admission and is trying to embed himself to disrupt so yeah ignoring him is the perfect punishment
absolutely. blocked at the speed of light lol
One of the rules of life I’ve discovered is that any dude who has to talk about how big his dick is does not have a big dick. Every dude I know with a fucking python has not advertised that fact
Real gangsters don't have to say they are gangsters, basically. Like I'm ever gonna talk about the size of my dick to strangers, how is that ever gonna go well.
dying over “no, I fuck.”
No--no!! No no. I fuck. I do the fuck. I take my big my big ol peewee and I put it right into the the um the box and it feels like a bag of sand and she cries like is normal I'm so good at it I've done it so many times and usually they won't even take the money they said it was so good