
Recently learned that all the energy in my EV's batteries fits in ~2.25 gallons of gas. And the EV goes about the same distance on a full charge as my old Subaru did on a tank of gas. That means the other 10 gallons of the old girl's tank—$41.5 out of every $50 fill-up—was waste. Blows my mind.
I used to joke that an ICE engine was a heater that incidentally generated movement, but I had no idea how right I was
Electricity generation is an extremely ugly equation
What would win per unit area in efficiency: PV solar panels or a big magnifying glass with water and a turbine?
This is a thing. Curved mirrors create a focus point of solar light. At the focus point is a pipe of oil, which superheats. The oil is used to heat water, turn it to steam, and activate a turbine. IIRC they are approx. equal in efficiency
oh this is the one where the birds explode when they fly into the beam yes?
Thanks to that "accidentally," the solar plant is morally superior to me.
They used to burn to death, yes That said, there are now standards established for how many mirrors can direct what intensity of solar energy in a single ray so that it isn’t deadly to them
jfc I just looked up rates at which fossil fuel electricity generation kills birds and the answer is between half a million and a million annually according to Pepper Trail, forensic ornithologist with the Service’s Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon @.@
Sometimes it’s salt instead of oil! It has a higher heat capacity but then the materials to contain molten 1000 degree salt are more expensive.
Has the big downside compared to PV of only working with direct sunlight, so only really viable in arid locations. But some interesting possibilities with regards to built-in energy storage (big tank of molten salt) and industrial applications (a lot of process can input energy as heat directly)
there are pros and cons. you can store the heat from solar thermal but pv performs better in overcast conditions for instance
you can combine the two: point mirrors at some high-efficiency solar cells
If you're ever flying and see what looks like a big *circular* solar power field, that's what's happening there. The square fields are PV.
In totally clear, perfect weather, concentrated solar thermal wins but PV is more consistent. However, using supercritical CO2 instead of water as a working fluid can make any thermal power system a lot more efficient. CST in very dry deserts, used for heavy industry/pollution mitigation seems good.
I love teaching the new hires this