
1. Sometimes if you stay at a job it imperils your soul and mental well being and your friends should tell you to quit in protest. 2. Jamelle Bouie is not your friend, you are not his friend. You are internet strangers, and you have a parasociality problem.
Demanding Bouie denounce the NYT or forever be declared a shitlib; Bouie asked what they thought that would accomplish and they responded "nothing as such" I'm paraphrasing but not by a lot.
None of us has his best interests at heart because none of us actually know anything about him and if you're an exception to this you'd text him instead of posting.
To double underline the point, because text is single-channeled and reasonable people get it wrong: I am amplifying ragathiel's point not criticizing them. Telling Bouie to quit is cheap talk. Also this ridiculous QT the reply is to avoid tagging them for the whole thread.
I am yelling but not yelling at