
A few people have pointed out the incoherence of overturning Chevron and giving the executive absolute immunity and it may really be as simple as encouraging the Presidency as personalist rule.
In a sense this goes a way towards explaining why conservatives who should surely know better than to support Trump, a man with no virtues, conservative or otherwise, keep supporting Trump. He's not the sort of man they want ruling, but he is the sort of *ruler* they want.
They figure that well, Trump will go away at some point but future generations will have a properly virtuous King who can rule us properly. It's an extraordinary betrayal of America.
I think, too, if you look at the cases in the context of judicial supremacy, they're very coherent in that both purport to rest the final decision with the courts and SCOTUS in particular. It's just that the obvious consequence of the latter is that SCOTUS is expandable...?
But also for all the talk about a president arresting SCOTUS etc, even a SCOTUS under Trump will likely have considerable power, because he simply doesn't give a shit about a lot the stuff that they'd be ruling on, the "boring" opinions that aren't 6-3 that make up most of their docket.
At the end of the day, for instance, China's Supreme Court is ultimately beholden to the party, but it's still a pretty plum gig so long as (a) you don't cross the party's lines and (b) you help make sure the party always stays in power so you never face consequences.
Chevron + Schedule F fucks with the civil service a lot and will be very difficult to unwind, which is pretty much the point They're doing what they want to do, deprofessionalize a branch of government which will tell them no That's all this is about