
the faks as comic relief are neither comic nor a relief. discuss amongst yourselves.
Generally agreed but the way Sugar talks to Fak with so much patience is one of my favorite running bits
They do go on a little long and there really is just the one joke, but I generally appreciate their inane nonsense. The second Fak brother is essentially the new Richie now that Richie is evolved and I think the show would collapse under its own weight without the Fak dynamic (or something similar)
idk is just too much and it pushed against the theme that he's throwing out $400 of wagyu a night in a quest for perfection while also letting a fak in front of house
maybe that’s why the reviews are mixed
i am one episode from finishing the season but my sense is that there haven't been any reviews; all of the conflicting headlines are his anxiety flashing through his brain as he waits for the tribune review to drop.
The reviews of the show, or the reviews of the restaurant in the show
I'm 4 episodes in and pretty disappointed thus far, and the faks are kind of exemplary of how the show doesn't know what it's trying to do imo
disagree. i know it’s a minority opinion but i couldn’t get enough of the faks. it’s like if the dumbest people around you were genuinely kind and good hearted. the dumb people in my life tend to be so venal and mean that it made it feel refreshingly to just kinda revel in their sweet dumbness
I will be discussing this for days w all who will listen.
This season has felt like a lot of big swings that have mostly yielded singles up the middle.
Yeah. It wasn't "bad" but there was nothing there that really put me on my ass like it has before (aside from JLC crushing it once again).
a lot ofgood stuff but also too much long introspection and walking on eggshells that feels like stretching. waiting on the last episode but my general feeling is "grow or fall but something has to happen!"
This is exactly where I am, both in progress and sentiment. If you try and make every episode the ‘Free Churro’ one, then none of them end up having close to that power.
The flashback scene with them trying to pitch John Mulaney on "investing" in baseball cards last season was one of the few catch-your-breath moments in an otherwise white-knuckle episode. Haven't watched the new season yet tho
THAT was incredible. this season the Faks have been frustratingly everywhere.
Neil Fak looks like the Discount Doublecheck guy, with the cheesehead, screaming “RAWJAS!”. This is the first thing I’ve thought of every single time his character has appeared on screen. I hate this about myself but it’s the truth.
I have no goddamn idea what this means and I refuse to learn