Rachel Rathbone

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Rachel Rathbone


Irish Woman, Documentary film maker/Producer.
She/Her, Mother of 3 cats & an adult Marley.☘️😘 Stoner Boho chick and as left wing as they come. ANTIFA
The Simpsons have predicted so many things over the years haven't they .
My baby Feather, giving me the glad eye 😆 love this wee cat so much ❤
The Nazis are very much behind in the elections 😆 🤣 😂 Well done to the Lert Coalition ❤ 😍
One of My cat's, Max, loves to fall asleep with his head on my arm, he is so relaxed and comfy. I've got a dead arm 😆
The door of his dungeon cell was there too, he marked out each day he was there, that made me feel so sad, but then I grew up 😆 and realised he'd have been my enemy with the bullshit propaganda he was spreading 😆
Share your kidde nightmare fuel.. My mom felt it would be great to bring us kids to the Catholic Cult temple Drogheda to see Oliver Plunketts head,I could'nt sleep for months after,all I could see was his head floating about,religion huh,it's a mass mental illness that no-one is prepared to address.
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel... While I'd been freaked out watching other stuff before, I think this episode of Sapphire and Steel in particular haunted me in a way nothing had before
This is me and my son in 2007 on our first foreign holiday. I ask him where would he like to go and he said "Africa mammy " so we went to Tunisia, it was 39C in the shade, hottest day 47C, when we went to Cartage,I was an adventurous single mom, had not a clue where we were going 😆 it was great.
Happy 4th birthday to my best friend Feather, me and my other 2 cat's had a surprise party for her today. She is not just a cat she really is a true friend and a precious part of my family. Big love little Feather xxx
This is Taz, he is my favourite cat who's not actually my cat, he loves to come in and play with my cat's toys, himself and Max are best buddies, Feather and buttons do not be impressed lol, but they tolerate him. I love this cat and my door is always open to him, such a handsome chap ❤
My cat Max had his boosters today and he got a wee toy for being such a good boy. #cats
I can't think of what to say cos I've been toking bongs all day, it's taken me an hour to get this far xx
drop an alien that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek
drop an alien that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Your ex president, please don't make him your next president!
My cat family, Feather, Max (son of Feather), Toast and Buttons. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. They always have time for their Mummy, they are full of love, they make my life better, it's like having 4 toddlers 😆 it can get hectic but it's mostly a calm house xxx
New shoes, dirty mirror, fat legs, sad face😞
This is Toast, she is almost 2, she loves going off for days on end,I reckon she does stay in someone else's house but she is my little lucky black cat & I love her.Marley rescued her when she was only 5 or 6 weeks old & She was fed via a syringe until she was big enough to feed herself #cats
I make memes for fun sometimes. Follow me and I will follow you right back. Wishinng you all a wonderful day x
Red alert wind and rain warning for Ireland. This is my favourite kind of weather. But Please stay safe everyone..... Unless you're a Transphobe, racist or nazi, then please feel free to head on out.
Made in 2019 but I only seen it a month ago. Wow what a brilliant movie, just wish it went on for an other hour or please let there be a sequel. I found my Superhero 🤣😍😈