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A lapsed moment of reasonableness
Lover of utter randomness
Irish since the (late, very late!) 60s Trans since the 90s
Appropriating immutable biological reality since 1995

Yes, that is ogham: https://www.dcode.fr/ogham-alphabet
Deleted Account is one of my biggest fans, I've loads of DMs from him
people are being censored on this platform just for wishing me an excellent day. abominable
So the Gilbert Baker Foundation is demanding money from small time queer creators because they correctly referenced a specific color scheme as "the Gilbert Baker flag" on their site?
So uh... anybody with a bigger megaphone than me want to help a butch out? The Gilbert Baker Foundation & CMG are asking a settlement from us for referring to the Gilbert Baker flag/original color scheme as the "Gilbert Baker flag" of twice what we've ever made from anything with those colors.
I realised I was trans when I found out I did not like this chocolate (seriously, I've never liked it)
i found out i was trans when i tried to drink this and my hand just went right through the can
The Inside Out characters inside my head.
the inside out characters in my head
this is literally me
It must be nice, btw, being the unmarked norm. When you can just worry about politics having an impact on normal things like public transport and the NHS, and not have to worry about whether your healthcare or your right to exist in public space might be removed.
Do remain vigilant, however. It is far from outside the realm of possibility that Labour will try to introduce a similar law.
I’m an immigrant utterly hostile to the UKs foreign policy but of course he’s not talking about people like me in this tweet is he
Meanwhile over at the Telegraph, a leader writer wonders if a community taking part in the democratic process means its time to stop "handing citizenship out" to them. The absolute state of this.
I may have mentioned I love the way on Bluesky, you can be scrolling the timeline and something will leap out and grab you by the throat
I wonder how they’d react if I pretended to breastfeed a lizard
While everyone** is on a high with hope for the future... Can I interest you in a small struggling business with a hungry and very cute cat to feed... >>>>> craftysharp.etsy.com **OK not everyone #CatsOfBluesky
Oh, and one more thing, though not putting it in this thread because it's a somewhat different issue. But it honestly seems transphobia just doesn't really work as an electoral mobilising or demobilising "culture war" the way Brexit and immigration somewhat do. People just don't seem to care.
OK here goes. Obviously, the big story is the Labour landslide, but a win of that size was only really possible due to the fragmentation of the right. At the same time, while on these results they're unlikely to care much, Labour underestimated the susceptibility of the left to fragment too. 1/
I've raised €520 of the €3,850 which I'm trying to raise, it is half the amount that I actually need but I didn't want to be greedy and I'm also trying my best to save to other half. So please if you can, donate to my endeavour and meet me half way. Thank you & have a wonderful weekend 😘
Rachel with breast surgery, organised by Rachel Margaret Rathbonegofund.me Hi My Name is Rachel, I am a Transgender Woman. I have been medically transitionin… Rachel Margaret Rathbone needs your support for Rachel with breast surgery
Now in its 7th edition, Women In Film and TV Ireland will once again be running their annual Short Film Showcase for 2024 to celebrate their members’ wonderful short films! Submit your films here. wft.ie/submissions-...
Submissions now open to WFT Ireland’s Members SHORT FILM SHOWCASE!wft.ie
Scene:1930s Customs Post Lifford "Lord Londonderry" (Lunnery to his friends) came through and signed "Londonderry" in the book My grandfather: "What's that, what's your name?" "Lord Londonderry" Grandfather: "That's not a name, write your real name" Reader, he did :)
This site’s got the juice
Just read a Telegraph op-ed claiming the Tories lost because they were too far left, and I have a feeling that is the narrative we will hear more of over the coming years.
Look at this gorgeousness I saw today! There were at least 6 pairs of damselflies mating together at my local creek. I adore this shade of blue and it was so cool to see that many together! It's #DamselflyJuly!! #invertebrates 🌿
The UK election was really close, a true nailbiter, it was probably a smart move for Starmer to sell out trans people to get those extra votes
Today is TRANS APPRECIATION FRIDAY, friends! We do this each Friday for trans/nonbinary people. How’s it work? Tell us your: Name Pronouns A bit about you Post a pic, if comfy Then repost this for visibility, say hi to those who participate & make new friends! I’m Alyssa. Nice to meet you!
Fuckity bye, Joanna Cherry. One of the night’s best Portillo moments.
Weird way of phrasing it when the biggest SNP transphobe lost her seat, but the Guardian is going to Guardian I guess
Say what you will about Rishi Sunak, but when the country needed him to joke about a child's genitals in front of her own mother, while promoting a religious minister hell bent on withdrawing other children's rights, he was there.