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Unremarkable, sociable & with no edge.
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Make #TaxParasites pay their taxes | #NHSLove | #FBPA | Will block Trolls.
It seems Trump was hit by a fragment of glass, not a bullet. Three of his supporters weren't so lucky, yet the following morning, he went to play golf. He didn't consider the feelings of wife of the murdered man, there were no signs of empathy & he seemed oblivious to the plight of anyone else.
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
Most importantly… with milkshake proof clothing
All violence is abhorrent, but when politicians gain support by inciting supporters, demonising opponents & blaming scapegoats, it becomes inevitable that their political toxicity will poison the well of social responsibility... ...& then, we all suffer the consequences.
When Tories privatised water, they said it was to increase investment. WCs borrowed & raised prices, but the money went to shareholders, not investment, & Ofwat protected their profits, not the consumer. Now Ofwat say WCs can increase prices to pay for investment... Same old sh*t.
Reform are UKIP rebadged, peddling the worst of Tory policies in a nicotine stained Farage wrapper. #NeverTrustReform
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
A brief history of self-regulation
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
Reform & the AI candidate... A warning that what you see isn't what you'll get. #NeverTrustReform
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
Vive La France! 🇫🇷
Tories questioning Labour's 172 seat majority, won under the UK's FPTP electoral system, should remember: Brexit was advisory & happened on a 52-48 majority. Only 81, 326 Tory members, about 0.3% of all voters, picked Truss as PM. Sunak was appointed: There was no vote at all. #NeverTrustATory
News that Steve Baker & Liz Truss have lost their seats... ...Whatever happens today, we're off to a good start!
Tories were relentless in robbing the country & harming the population. Voters need to be relentless in destroying the Tories at the ballot box. No mercy... It's payback time! Vote the Tories into oblivion. #VoteTactically #NeverVoteReform #NeverVoteConservative
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
If you're thinking of not voting, have a word with yourself. You wouldn't trust a conman because they admitted they were beaten... You'd know it was just another scam to con you & steal an advantage. Remember... #NeverTrustAToryPolitician #VoteTactically #NeverVoteConservative
Reposted byAvatar Knowgum
A tactical vote will remove the Tories... It could even push them into third place. Imagine the joy of that...! Hold your nose if you have to, but think tactically to do to the Tories what they have done to you & the country for 14 years. #VoteTactically #NeverVoteReform #NeverVoteConservative
The rise of the right-wing in the UK has nothing to do with a groundswell of demand... ...& everything to do with right-wing billionaire media owners telling their readers/viewers they should support the right-wing parties that right-wing billionaires control. #NeverVoteReform
Hold your nose if you have to, but vote tactically to destroy the Tories... Do to them what they've done to us & the country for the last 14 years. Post your vote asap, or if voting in person, remember your photo ID. July 4th is payback time. #NeverVoteConservative
For those that say their vote makes no difference... ...Vote tactically to wipe out the Tories! Let's do to the Tories what they've done to us & the country for the past 14 years. #VoteTactically #NeverVoteConservative
In 2010, Tories came to power. Since then, prices, taxes, waiting lists, national debt, environment, standards, NHS, education, crime, the economy... everything is worse: Much, much worse. It's only millionaires, Tory cronies, & racists that've gained in the last 14 years... #NeverVoteConservative
UK Government Borrowing... Combined total: 0000-2010: £1tn. Tories only: 2010-2024: £1.7tn. In 14 years, the Tories have borrowed more than every government in history, combined, for 2000 years... ...& we'll be paying for it for decades to come. #NeverVoteConservative
The ECHR was created to protect ordinary people, like you & I, from greedy, power-hungry politicians that seek to abuse & exploit their own population. It defends our rights, enshrines democracy & protects the lives of the poor, sick & elderly... Tories want it abolished. #NeverVoteConservative
Sunak has spoken out against Tories betting on the ekection. Sunak was a hedge fund banker which means he bet on the share price value of companies. His bets in 2008 caused 3 banks to collapse, triggered a global banking crisis & screwed the economy... Then he became a Tory MP to finish that job.
2010. Tories conned the gullible to get elected. 2015. Tories conned the gullible to get elected. 2017. Tories conned the gullible to get elected. 2019. Tories conned the gullible to get elected. 2024. Tories are trying to con the gullible again... #NeverVoteConservative
The UK has a vast economic black hole that will affect us all. Tories increased taxes, borrowed more than anyone in history & cut services. But Brexit destroyed our trade income, & they squandered our revenue & gave contracts to their cronies. All that's left is debt & despair. #NeverVoteTory
National Insurance was increased by the Tories to fix Social Care... ...but they spent nothing on Social Care. ...then didn't fix Social Care ...& scrapped their NI increase to con the gullible by pretending they'd cut taxes. #NeverTrustAToryPolitician #NeverVoteConservative
Taxes... A handy guide to the truth from the Tory party. Ironically, they've accidentally revealed the facts while pushing their propaganda & lies about Labour. Like lettering in a stick of rock, incompetence runs through the Tory party. #NeverVoteConservative
Today, Tories launch their pamphlet of false promises, more gaslighting & preposterous claims. Here’s what they've announced so far 👇 Distractions to hide a £3k tax hike. Misleading propaganda to disguise planned cuts. Excuses for 14 years of failure. #NeverVoteConservative