Under Leveled Josh

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Under Leveled Josh


21 y/o
18+ Only
Content Creator / Writer
Profic / Proship
Learning Hellenist
Mixed political views
Bisexual dude
Any Pronouns
That too, but I was going for D&D and pf, which are high fantasy.
So true. Corporations never even cared about anime until there was profit in it and they always ALWAYS did such a shitty job with the localization. Fan subs are the only reason quality anime exists today.
zlib is a bigger contribution to humanity than the combined works of anyone who is anti-piracy
also, thinking everyone who pirates your work would have bought it, or even heard about it, without piracy is actually a p big assumption you go against piracy you quite literally choke your fans out of your work
if anything, having your shit get pirated is proof that it's quality enough for people to want to share it. at that point, it's capturing that energy by making that shit available that is key people who are against piracy usually don't have anything worth pirating
"grrrr all these miscreants (fans) stealing my work (sharing a file) how dare they like me and not pay me when the only version i've made available is a $60 ebook through only the most DRM services" - someone who doesn't want to make money off their work
growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere canada, my entire exposure to manga and anime was through file sharing and its sisters. without people freely working to spread stuff through communities i might be a different person today.
if it wasn't for moriya shrine, 10 year old me would not have found the love that is touhou
there's only two reasons people deactivate, either because they died peacefully or were murdered
I wish I could go back to where I was a naïve ignorant little child. Where the world seemed so much simpler and I didn't have much to worry about.
I can't be alienated if I didn't belong to this world in the first place.
Normies don't understand why shut-ins have become shut-ins at all. The real world out there is terrifying. I ain't going out on the regular just so I can be shot over $20 at a gas station or some shit. Nah, I will stay safe in an environment I can have at least moderate control over. I need to
escape reality forever. I need to avoid everyone.
I am better off not being near people for longer periods of time. I am inevitably going to make everyone hate me. I am inevitably going to make people think I am a terrible people. I am only going to end up hating everyone that once knew me in turn. It's going to happen soon, isn't it? IF I don't
isolate, I may decide enough waiting for it and then make it happen myself.
If I die, I can trust my parents to take good care of my dog.
As it turns out, you shouldn't use Firefly to fight Firefly.
Does anybody that play PGR know if these pulls are good or not?
"Why make a disabled dnd character when basic restoration spells can cure it immediately" -said by unimaginative people who have barely any system knowledge. 1. Such spells require willing targets. 2. They also have a limited time to actually heal the disabilities. So if they are from before the
start of the campaign, then it won't work. 3. All of them are high level. The few clerics that can cast those would charge highly.
In regards to publishing my writing on Ko-Fi, I'm considering the primary benefit of people subscribing to my shop is getting access to my stuff early (kind of like an advanced readers copy/test read thing) and also getting access to better deals.
Night aurora✨
💚 #bluearchive #ブルアカ
Sexually Suggestive
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I think Hollywood is allergic to creating feminine black female characters. There are too many black woman characters that are over the top masc, angsty, and violent with anger issues. Where are the sweet but badass black women in fiction? Istg Hollywood is so racist.
Hollywood is incapable of making creative characters and just uses a bunch of cookie cutters over and over again.