
... wait so tiktok doesn't actually block ANY of the words people euphemise like death ("unlife") it's just intentional behaviour to avoid other users' filters? hey hey that fucking sucks let people not see things they don't want to see
"users curating their own experience means they're less likely to see my content!" girl if they were muting it they were not going to like it anyway, the BEST case scenario is that you're annoying somebody who doesn't want your content, the worst case scenario is that you're actively triggering
I feel SO much more gross about those stupid euphemisms knowing it's greyhat SEO that's intentionally messing with peoples' boundaries rather than just like ... a social media site having weird strict rules
Yeah and then these entitled users come on tumblr or ao3 and they start their tag spamming behaviour and oooooooh boy do they get taught a lesson fast about tagging etiquette.
I thought this was just learned behaviour that younger people seem to have from tiktok and other platforms, but I am very out of touch
missed tiktok in your first skeet nevermind! That's so weird
There's a certain amount of like. Some people have definitely had experience with words being blocked, and others haven't, and it's kind of accreted into a bunch of weird things.
Oh I thought it was TikTok that was doing it.