Dripped Out Trade Unionists

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Dripped Out Trade Unionists


Unions for all

currently working on http://www.jackie4senate.com
So @uniondrip.bsky.social is holding out on posting this picture of a Teamster on strike over here- but I’m here to help you
Sorry, I’ve not been active here in forever. Been spending most of my time working on my wife’s bid for CA State Senate. She’s crushing it, but under attack by big oil, realtors, and more. I'll try to engage here solely around labor related posts come March 5th.
I need this Rambo war on drugs Teamsters shirt from the '80s
It's been 6 months since we officially announced my wife, Jackie Elward, is running for CA State Senate District 3. It's been an uphill battle but she's been kicking ass left and right. www.jackie4senate.com
of course Louis Coulon, who had the largest beard in the world at the time and regularly hid his cats in it, was a French ironworker and union leader
This morning’s subtle union drip. TUC international badge and 2023 TUC president badge with rainbow banner marking the first out LGBT president, on a vintage 2018 TUC 150th anniversary lanyard
this king along with the rest of the UAW team just got higher raises in the Ford TA than THE LAST 22 YEARS COMBINED 💪🏻
Browsing library photo archives for local strike history and I found this machinist on the line with a strike cat. who is named "Sedality"
Bonus @uniondrip.bsky.social shot of M. Reid, who I don't know, but is a friggen model. the hair with black LA hat, blue work shirt, on strike sign, sunglasses, and big black beard with a little bit of a grey tint. fuck. just incredible. bosses beware.
This picture is so sick
Bonus @uniondrip.bsky.social shot of M. Reid, who I don't know, but is a friggen model. the hair with black LA hat, blue work shirt, on strike sign, sunglasses, and big black beard with a little bit of a grey tint. fuck. just incredible. bosses beware.
I just realize I never skeeted this: This past Tuesday 11,000 public sector workers for the City of Los Angeles went on strike for the first time in 40 years. Workers from across industries joined them on the picket line. I was there to capture the union beards and staches. Enjoy.
It's going down at the Oakland A’s stadium tomorrow. 
Just incredible messaging happening right now
Mail carriers are dying and getting heatstroke, their fleet should have been upgraded yesterday.
UPS leading the way in safety for it's employees to beat the heat.
UPS leading the way in safety for it's employees to beat the heat.
We appreciate @aoc.bsky.social coming out to support UPS Teamsters ✊🏻
We appreciate @aoc.bsky.social coming out to support UPS Teamsters ✊🏻
Since this space isn't as public as Twitter yet can I just say that we met the fundraising goal for my wife's state senate race as set up by our team. The last 48 hours leading up to it we're insane but Jackie pulled it off. And her SEIU California endorsement this week was huge too!
Since this space isn't as public as Twitter yet can I just say that we met the fundraising goal for my wife's state senate race as set up by our team. The last 48 hours leading up to it we're insane but Jackie pulled it off. And her SEIU California endorsement this week was huge too!
decked out in my local’s union drip today @uniondrip.bsky.social
📣 Breaking: Teamsters put an end to a two tier system at UPS. 🔥 22.4, no more. 🔥
New user onboarding: 1. Call them skeets. 2. Add alt and be accessible. 3. Protect Black and Trans and QTBIPOC users. 4. Always punch Nazis. 5. Be respectful and have fun.
who knew a union buster would fuck up Twitter so much