Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Congresswoman for NY14, repping the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots progressive. Funded by everyday people, not lobbyists. A better world is possible.
We found Windows OS chips at the grocery store
Does anyone else feel like they had to rebuild their wardrobe after it turned into all sweats/work clothes during COVID and if so how did you go about doing that?
the most interesting part of the story so far imo is how much corruption at the Court has been exposed with a relatively small amount of effort
i said this on slate’s amicus podcast but i really think we are only scratching the surface of the entanglement between certain members of the court and assorted billionaires and influence peddlers
I like it here and I don’t think a mega corp Twitter clone can kill spaces like these. There is a high level of original thought and engagement, people care about each other and maintain a strong space minimizing bad faith, harassment, and disinfo, which lets people be themselves & build community
Just took a week off and I too get the Sunday scaries, AMA
Honoring autocrats is not “subtlety” or “sophistication,” whatever the Biden admin may say. It sells out human rights advocates, dispirits our democratic allies, strengthens our enemies. Modi should be a pariah.
In Hosting Modi, Biden Pushes Democracy Concerns to the The president who declared “the battle between democracy and autocracy” to be the defining struggle of his time has concluded that he needs to accept some imperfect but important friends.
People should dance way more. Just let loose. Things get too uptight otherwise
Don’t agonize, orcanize 🐳
Ok! Did you know that the character of Spock & the Vulcan “live long and prosper” 🖖🏽 is actually drawn from the Torah & informed by Nimoy’s Jewish heritage? As a child, Nimoy was in synagogue & snuck a look at the Konahim blessing 🖖🏽. ST centered pluralistic society & he made it part of his character
aoc please do go on forever about star trek
Janeway. I grew up on TNG, TOS,& VOY, but the strong women characters on Voyager changed my life as a kid. I don’t know if I’d be in Congress if that show wasn’t on TV. My dad was a huge Star Trek/Roddenberry fan & always talked about its social & political history. I could go on forever about ST 🪐
1. Favorite Star Trek captain? 2. What's going on with these UFOs and the UFO whistleblowers?? Should we be concerned?
New York Libraries are facing a $36.2 million budget cut. Today is a day of action. This is a link to the social media tools page: Please post about it. Tell people. Make your voices heard. #NocutstoLibraries
Honestly having a really strong understanding of your walk-away point & what you’re willing to accept or not (and sticking to it!) is so helpful. A lot of situations/people will push to see how little you’ll accept, but they can & will accommodate more. Happens in politics all the time but life too
Been playing Zelda for weeks and just now found the autobuilder 🙃
Really wondering about where the line is to leave the other place. I am concerned about next year’s election given Musk putting his finger on the scale in Turkey, etc. There is a line where the harm of unchecked disinfo exceeds the benefits of direct, authentic communication. It’s really sad
Mariame Kaba has taught me a lot of things. One thing she taught me is to be skeptical of thinking nothing has changed. Because things are constantly changing and so we can push. Like she says in this interview.
Can we talk about AIM culture more. I feel like there’s a lot to unpack
It’s been an absolutely insane week 🥵
Good morning, fellow sentient puffs of stardust 🌞 I hope you have a great day
This process started last week in the House. We have basically every Dem signed on and need ~5 GOP to bring a clean increase to the floor.
Hey, any thoughts on using a discharge petition to get a clean debt limit increase? You'd need all the D senators, most D reps, and a couple republicans.
People who are night owls in a morning lark world, what do you do / how do you adapt
One of the under-appreciated roles of bartenders is that it‘s literally their job to cultivate strong community. Regulars keep a place in business. The best bartenders curate a strong vibe that draws solid people in, who then form a community that gathers at your spot. Story below tracks 100%
we will not allow nazis in this bar
PSA: “What if we just do/allow a little fascism instead” is not a moderate position. It’s just a fascist one in a suit
Dude, where’s my dog
I want the opposite of “guy in a diner” political reporting. Have a journalist go to some of the weirdest scenes in the country, ask people there for their political opinions, and write about it in earnest and vivid detail
Guys I found a plan. This is democracy at work
Someone suggested I stream playing Zelda but yesterday it took me 10 minutes to make a car, I died shortly thereafter, and spent another 10 minutes making the same car
For me it was pretty seasonal. I like to make drinks with the weather! I ran a taco bar so a lot of tequila and mezcal based drinks. During the winter I like to lean on bourbons & other whiskeys. I do mocktails too. I still make cocktails for friends & family, it’s such a treat to do for them 🍹
Hey what was your go to cocktail to make during your bartender days? As a current bartender it's something that's been on my mind.
McCarthy is just not that girl and people treating him like he is are making the situation worse. He has no command of his party and no command of votes. You cannot negotiate with someone who cannot deliver
Really smart and important point from here
I met the NASA Artemis II team today and it was so excitingggg