
A/C is busted, can't order the part we need until Monday AM at the earliest, 101F/37C temperature outside
Can you afford to buy a portable unit? If not, you should bunk with a friend or find a hotel for the night, that’s way too hot to stay in your home
If it were just me I'd be out in a heartbeat, but I've got a wife, a 11.5yo kid, a grumpy antisocial 72yo ghoul, and an antisocial 13yo rat dog to consider as well, so that complicates the calculus.
Oh no, that *is* quite the complication! 😭
Can you rent a portable unit to take the edge off?
Renting doesn't appear feasible, but we're going to experiment with buying a unit (which we may have application for down the line) and see what that does
Let me know how it goes, and you all still have our place as a refuge for the day if needed.
My sympathies. We had a hard time last year when it was 93 outside and our A/C stopped working. I got a spray bottle full of water and kept spraying myself while sitting in front of a fan.