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🇪🇺 🇩🇪 The world is my country.

Working as CO Procurement Manager when the Tories decided to abandon the rules. Now retired.

#FBPE Brexit = crime.
atheist, gardener and Blue Nose. Owner of the worlds cutest dog
*Never voted Tory*
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Reposted byAvatar Ursula
Just registered with a not for profit vet. Feel like I’ve won the lottery, because this fella is never away from the place. Current vets consultation fee has gone from £28 to £50 in less than 18 months 😡
Actual sun! Woke up in my east facing bedroom this morning wondering why the hell it was so bright! Can’t photograph the whole garden, there’s washing everywhere 🙄
Reposted byAvatar Ursula
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
Anyone interested in a very fancy Gardena self reeling garden hose? 3 weeks old and never used. Seems it’s not needed here. 🙄 🌧️ 🌧️ ☔️ #redundant #makeitstop
Reposted byAvatar Ursula
Talk about 4 seasons in one day. We had cold and rain this morning. About 2 hours of warm sunshine early afternoon. Now monsoon and very loud thunder. #July I’m over you already.
Reposted byAvatar Ursula
Jonathan Pie says “Thank you!” to the Conservative Party in a way that you might not have imagined. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYMy...
Thank you!www.youtube.com A new day has dawned in Westminster.
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What a day! Jet lagged, but very happy after staying up til 5 am. Reclusive neighbour knocked to complain about us putting two shelves up 🙄 Grass man turned up, and pretty much said - Oh was there an election? Turns out he’s waiting for ‘heavenly government’ FFS I liked him too.
The haunted pencil coming up soon 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
Southport - Labour gain! Now the whole of Merseyside will be red 🔴🎉
I’ve literally broken out in a rash. 😳 #nerves
I wish Francis Maud was still an MP - So I could watch him squirm Supercilious c*nt. 2010 he made mine and my colleagues lives hell. Hung around the Liverpool office looking like Splinter, threatening us all with compulsory redundancy. Moved us from Treasury to CO then failed. I hate that man.
Anyone had a nap yet? Just told Oscar I’m staying up all night.
@ginny65.bsky.social Better late than never 😆😎
I’m blaming the gale force wind, rain and the October weather in general for this. ‘Pulling station’ he wishes 😆 #dogsatpollingstations #wearingred
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Reposted byAvatar Ursula
More Than 130 Reform Candidates Ignoring Electoral Commission Rules on Anonymous Donations. Candidates have raised tens of thousands for Nigel Farage’s party despite failing to explain how they will vet donors, amid claims the party doesn’t have ‘millionaire’ funders l
More Than 130 Reform Candidates Ignoring Electoral Commission Rules on Anonymous Donationsbylinetimes.com Candidates have raised tens of thousands for Nigel Farage’s party despite failing to explain how they will vet donors, amid claims the party doesn't have 'millionaire' funders
I’m going on a night out in Liverpool on Friday night with my ex colleagues. In LIVERPOOL the night after the election. With 30 Tory hating civil servants. Jesus, not sure I’m ready for this 🥳🥳
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Don't forget to put the rubbish out this Thursday...✔️
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I think I’m becoming a ‘Swifty’
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Reposted byAvatar Ursula
This article has made me feel sad and ashamed at where we are as a country. Just awful.
And the Tories have the absolute brass balls to say Labour would wreck the country.
Look at what you could have had 🤦🏽‍♀️ North Rode manor built by my 4x Gt Grandfather in 1830 + an advert to rent it. Just found it on Wikipedia. I should add that by the time my Dad was born, the family was skint. Very, very skint. 🙄 #history #familyhistory
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