
That’s a thumping
Is this good for the UK or bad? I know nothing about their politics.
AS someone who does not truly understand British politics, my completely uneducated view is that there have been no serious, dedicated & hardworking leaders of the Conservative party since Cameron. Whether or not Labour is "good", the Conservatives have completely fallen down on the job.
Think of it as hiring a carpenter: one company sends a degenerate alcoholic who used to be a great carpenter but now can't even cut a board straight for the DT's. So you send them off. The other company used to spout random anti-semitic slurs at random but at least hasn't done that lately.
Oh, you mean David Cameron, who led us into the abyss and then walked away when the vote didn’t go as he expected? That “serious, dedicated & hardworking leader”?
Si, I probably should have expected that response. He knew there was a large segment of the populace very unhappy with the EU - and there was some justice there. The EU is kinda of a mess on a good day. He tried for popular support & failed. This was the policy the people demanded in the end.
I think the British public chose dead wrong. But it was their choice to make. Cameron knew he had an unpopular policy and tried to bring the public around. But since they've certainly not made a clear choice to the alternative. Labour isn't exactly cheering the notion of re-joining the EU.
I’m sorry, but how did he try to bring the public around?
Cameron was the one negotiating inside Britain and with the EU it to try and get some leeway, a concession to the Farage/Johnson win. He wanted the Remain vote to win and probably believed it would. He needed to let off political pressure and believed he had more popular support.
If that’s what he wanted, he didn’t actually put in the hard work to make it happen. Neither did Labour, which is why we are where we are. But the idea that Cameron was dedicated and hardworking is laughable.