
anyone who discusses NY-16 and neglects to mention that it had a level of racial polarization you'd normally associate with either the Deep South or the 20th century, and that such polarization is not unusual in the tristate suburbs, is missing an essential part of the story
in many of the whitest, most suburban precincts, Bowman is falling into the teens or the single digits. this is a whitelash election more than anything else.
many will insist it's all about antisemitism or Israel, but even if you make the wildly antisemitic assumption that every single Jewish voter is voting against Bowman on the basis of Israel, the primary electorate in these precincts is not >80% Jewish. it is, however, >80% white.
It was always a bit of a wild aberration that a black avowed leftist got to represent westchester and as much of a treat as that was it was not going to last without perpetual political miracles
This is why I suspect what really sank him was the fire alarm thing. Once his voters decided he was an embarrassment, that was the ballgame
I think Bowman's political brand was out of step with the district. It's a normie Dem suburban district, not friendly to a leftist firebrand. Breaking ranks on the Infrastructure Act cost him support.
I saw some usually extremely tuned-in people issuing takes about the 16th without knowing about the Emmett Till statement, the "ethnic benefit" statement, or George's racist response to a prospective constituent's concerns on live public radio.
oh yeah the local media did not cover Latimer's racism because they agree with it plain and simple
Shout-out to for covering it more than anyone else I found
Seems like this was unique to this election? It's a solid blue district, just not what I'd call friendly to The Squad's style of politics.