
at least the Clinton team had the excuse that her loudest critics never gave her just one attack to rebut, it was always an unfocused torrent of abuse and innuendo. every critic of Biden from good faith to bad is focused on one thing—Joe Biden is 81 years old—and that's too much for them to handle
(emails was, like, the main thing, but those loons never shut the fuck up about everything from the Clinton Foundation to Vince Foster in front of anyone who might listen)
It's just so frustrating because, whatever you think of Biden and his "senior moments", Trump is at least just as bad! And is only three years younger!
yeah, well, asking Republicans to be better is for fools. they can only be beaten. they'll keep running Trump until he's dead, all we can do is try our best to stop them.
Of course, you just wouldn't expect the punditocracy to be that...well, yeah, actually you would.
It’s just so weird that the opposition is practically hand-delivering every reason to trash them and the only thing being laser-focused on is: “Old fuck is old” At least go after his foreign policy or immigration policy but that’s not giving the game away