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I’m a nerd for all things technology:
Linux, Steam Deck, Ecosystem, and much more

Indie Developer : Currently making a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-Inspired top-down shooter game in Godot
Reposted byAvatar Dustin.v01d
they're out here baking the demon core
So the plan was not to keep these kittens… but I might have to keep these kittens
My Aunt was at my grandma’s house helping with some things when she heard a noise in the shed They turned out to be absolutely tiny kittens whose eyes were barely opening yet, and I’ve been helping take care of them as we figure out what to do with them I have to admit I’m getting very attached
Reposted byAvatar Dustin.v01d
I thought I would find solo GameDev stressful but I actually kind of love it. With so many different aspects of it, I can literally take breaks from working on it by working on it. When I’m tired of coding, I start designing levels or animations or just grab my iPad and draw. My ADHD loves this.
I’ve been brushing up on my digital art skills in Procreate on my iPad and creating textures to use on my 2D Stalker inspired top-down shooter. Not completely finished yet but I’m happy with how it’s turning out. I’m going to split it into layers to export separately to later add customization
I’ve never developed a game before, but I’ve been really pleasantly surprised how quickly I’ve been learning to do the coding in Godot. Most of my programming experience is in Swift and some Python, but I’m developing a health system right now and really liking GDScript and Godot’s Node structure
Reposted byAvatar Dustin.v01d
I still think they should just re-release Titanfall 2. Pretend like it's the first time
I still need to place down items, enemies and so on, and I’m going to do some aesthetic edits, but I think I’ve made my first little test level for my Stalker inspired top-down shooter The tile map is a free asset I found #gamedev #indiedev
I’m creating my first game, a top-down shooter in Godot. I love the simple yet fantastic looking light occlusion. But I can’t seem to figure out where to place occluders on this pillar in this tile map to light up the side I’m looking at while casting a shadow behind it How should I arrange them?
I’ve been playing around in Godot for a few days now and figured out how to use the animator Still trying to wrap my head around how to structure the code to call the animations, but it feels so cool just being able to make a character sprite, made of like 10 .pngs stacked on each other, do actions
I’m trying out making a little game in Godot for the first time. I’ve never gotten very far in game development before, but something about Godot is clicking with me, and this is quite fun I also love that this engine works on both Linux and Mac, and that it’s absolutely tiny in file size
I’ve been on here for a while but haven’t posted anything yet… I should probably do that So hi Bluesky!
End of feed.