Eduardo Valdés-Hevia 👁️

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Eduardo Valdés-Hevia 👁️

Spooky Photoshop guy. Certified False by Snopes. He/Him.
All my work and links:
Bloodbark trees are prized for their exotic red wood. Also called Murder Trees, they produce large volumes of sap that imitates blood. Those who strike it become convinced they are killing a person. This is thought to be an adaptation that helps Bloodbarks survive in a deforested world.
Cross-section of a femur affected with bone pearls, also known as osteoperlomas. While initially harmless, these small benign tumors can lead to severe fractures. Despite this, bone pearls have been prized throughout history, leading some to induce their formation for harvesting.
UGH caught this little fucker stealing eggs from the fridge again i was so close to grabbing them but they knocked me out and left
Biogeodes, also known as Flesh Stones, are organisms that live encased in a rock deep underground. It is thought that they survive for millennia in this stable environment. Breaking the rock and exposing the creature to outside air invariably kills it, making its study difficult.
"Every night I check the dash cam footage. And it's there. Sometimes an endless mass of antlers, sometimes a twisted thing on the roadside. "I never remember much from the drive back. You put the brain on autopilot, you know? You get home like you just woke up from an old dream."
Biogeodes, also known as Flesh Stones, are organisms that live encased in a rock deep underground. It is thought that they survive for millennia in this stable environment. Breaking the rock and exposing the creature to outside air invariably kills it, making its study difficult.
"Snakes" aren't real. It's a camera artifact that happens when one of these extremely fast, tiny lizards runs past while the shutter is open. The long, legless animal is nothing more than a myth perpetuated through culture and media. It's time to wake up and see the truth.
It's so cool seeing this 8 year old drawing come to life!
Incident Report 03/04/2024. Depth: 2,304 meters. "During today's dive, our ROVs were attacked by an unknown deep-sea animal, likely seeing us as a territorial threat. ROV Valiant sustained major damage to flotation pack and could not reemerge. ROV Intrepid received minor damage."
Incident Report 03/04/2024. Depth: 2,304 meters. "During today's dive, our ROVs were attacked by an unknown deep-sea animal, likely seeing us as a territorial threat. ROV Valiant sustained major damage to flotation pack and could not reemerge. ROV Intrepid received minor damage."
Claude Bernard's Homunculus Museum, located in Paris, contains the failed results of the physiologist's experiments on the creation of artificial human life. The formaldehyde-preserved bodies were thought to be hoaxes, but a recent analysis has shown them to contain human DNA.
"Every night I check the dash cam footage. And it's there. Sometimes an endless mass of antlers, sometimes a twisted thing on the roadside. "I never remember much from the drive back. You put the brain on autopilot, you know? You get home like you just woke up from an old dream."
Really interesting phenomenon. On Bluesky, I seem to get a lot more comments like this. Is this something about the userbase?
Sacculina spinalis is a parasitic barnacle that targets vertebrates. When the larva pierces the skin near the spine, it loses most organs, becoming a root-like network that envelops the spinal cord. When its brood sac matures, it guides the host to water to release its larvae.
Hi, sorry for the lack of activity. Been away from social media since earlier this year and I forgot I have bluesky. Here is a personal art I made recently. "Ardor". May 2024. I'm also in Shortbox Comics Fair 2024 lineup & working on other unnanounced comics. Hopefully all is well. Take care.
Towards the end of WW1, the US army researched novel ways of implanting recent technology, like portable radios, into the bodies of wounded soldiers. These became known as the Radioman experiments. No subject could sustain the machines grafted to them for more than a few days.
The oldest known instance of the "Cool S", a symbol of unknown origin, on a tenth century Viking runestone. This sigil has persisted through millennia and is still found today. Scholars believe its origin is unrelated to the letter S, and that it was originally part of a ritual.
If you go to the pool this summer, watch out for False Caustics. They look like the dancing lights at the bottom of the pool, but they stay still. False Caustics are in fact siphonophores that enter pools with poor filtration. If you swim through them, they will burn your skin.
The Devilmask (Catacanthus diabolus) is a species of shield bug that uses humans as hosts for their larvae. A devilmask will latch on to its target's face, injecting them with a psychoactive compound. This makes the host blissfully unaware of the insect as they swallow its eggs.
Lot 7: Mexican Reliquary. Silver gilt and jade, with glass dome containing a human tongue. 17th-18th century. 18½ inches. "Once her husband was by her side, she bid the men in the crowd to kill and feast upon the viscount, which they did, leaving nothing but his tongue."
Based on a prompt from's Cursed Files challenge: "Sleepless" "As he heard the lights in the hallway flicker, Francisco had no way of knowing he would never sleep again."
Cursed Files: Sleepless — Daniel F. Bispo,
Stuck in traffic. Apparently someone ran over a protected species. Can't they just clear this thing out of the road?
Lot 22: Harpoon. "Holmes mounted the harpoon upon a long bone detached from one of the dead, and he held it tight in his hands. He prayed to the deepest and oldest gods of the sea, those who listen only to sailors and castaways, that he might survive the night."
Malignant Radicular Hypertrophy (MRH) is a life-threatening syndrome where teeth roots grow uncontrollably, destroying facial bones, eyes, and ultimately penetrating the brain. MRH is paraneoplastic, caused by a small pituitary tumor that releases growth factors responsible for dental growth.
Lot 6: Indonesian Statue of Unknown Deity. "In his journals, Moertono described the statue as "hideous" and "shapeless" and "malformed," indicating it was but a deeply-imperfect attempt at capturing something else, some shape beyond the mastery of human hands or human eyes."
Argillosis is a rare autoimmune disorder. The soft tissues of those affected degenerate through saponification, progressively rendering them into a soft and malleable texture similar to clay. It ultimately leads to infectious complications that may become fatal.
The House on Ninth Street became the topic of many ghost stories over the years after a series of tragedies befell its owners. This photo was taken during a 1934 police inspection of the property. The figure in the photograph has baffled experts and remains a mystery to this day.
Cuscuta haemotrophica, commonly known as leechweed, is the only parasitic plant known to target animals. The vine digs under the skin to consume the host's blood, making photosynthesis unnecessary. Infestation in humans rarely progresses to the blooming stage, when it can become life-threatening.