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Thirty year veteran of the never-frustrating film and television industry. Raised by Kate Bush.
Mineralogists know that manganese is the money mineral.
I know a lot of people mute their TVs when the #Kars4Kids commercial comes blaring on. I don't. I unplug the TV, wheel it out into the back yard and set it on fire.
Old people sure love finding weird new ways to add copper to products that definitely do not need copper in them.
It'll be obvious to professional creative types like and but to the uninitiated, what I was trying to do with this ouvre is bring the style and wit of a Fatsy Patsy into the digital age with hip and young characters talking about today's issues.
About ten years ago I decided I wanted to make a comic strip about a girl from Aurora, Illinois using #Microsoft #Word exclusively. I just ran across a few of them. #comics #comicstrip
About ten years ago I decided I wanted to make a comic strip about a girl from Aurora, Illinois using #Microsoft #Word exclusively. I just ran across a few of them. #comics #comicstrip
One thing that is different about my life post-pandemic is that I can be awake, busy, have energy, etc…but if I eat a meal, even a tiny one, my body says “We’re going to sleep NOW! And I mean RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!” And I try to make it to my bed before I hit the floor. #pandemic #fallout
Fresh mozz, ricotta, balsamic-kissed pancetta & cremini’s. #pizzaporn #dinner #pizza
Avatar Regarding stealing roomfuls of government secrets and getting that trial postponed indefinitely, Trump pulled off Watergate on steroids and I feel like everyone is just shrugging. Cannon knew the media were gonna be so deep in pornstar land she could do anything she wanted.
Wheat toast, ricotta, agave and blueberries. I can’t stop eating this. 😲 #breakfastfordinner
I can’t stop thinking of that poor worm starving to death.
Back in the day, the fact that Goop sold out of their Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina candle in literal seconds and, rather than produce more, followed up with an Albert Brook's balls candle makes me think she's kidding? Maybe? Or just...I don't know. Maybe I need to read Goop's mission statement.
Ended up watching that biopic Saltburn about the steak guy with the sunglasses and a bunch of WEIRD FUCKING SHIT happened I won’t bother to repeat and then the movie ended without a single shot of the guy pouring the salt down his arm. Hello??? His most famous thing isn’t in the movie. ???
I so appreciate life’s micro victories that sometimes not having to pee is enough to put me in a good mood.
How many Cyber Ninjas ended up dying during that Maricopa recount/audit? A hundred? Two hundred?
Reposted byAvatar VanillaScott
“The aggressive hallucinating lady agrees with our politics” is an odd flex but OK.
Space does the least amount of heavy lifting as far as creating characters goes yet it gets it’s own bar. I guess it’s who you know.
I rely on Alfi to pay close attention to every detail while we watch #Fallout so I don’t miss anything. So far it’s going poorly.
I rely on Alfi to pay close attention to every detail while we watch #Fallout so I don’t miss anything. So far it’s going poorly.
Bought one of those record propper-uppers. Digging it. #vinyl
My #FISHWIFE collection is coming along nicely.
If the #eclipse ends up being a promo gimmick for a new #HBO series I’m gonna soooo pissed but also soooo impressed. #marketing
You know who’s a real odd kind of dude? Guys whose favorite color is yellow. I’ve maybe met two my whole life. Super friendly, utterly friendless. Odd.
Avatar Not sure if this would make a good segment on your show or a longer format like John Oliver's, but I would love to see an explanation of why people like Sandy Hook families, Ruby Freeman, E. Jean Carroll, Crypto-douche victims, never see a dime of their huge settlements.
My life and career are in a really good place these days and I’m realizing that comfort and contentment can be quietly toxic. I’m not really taking care of my body or my mind the way I do when I’m driven and angry.
I got this cactus six years ago as a tiny, three inch nub. Now, it’s getting so big that it becomes top-heavy and falls over. So I support it with skewers to keep it from falling over. Is this correct, or should I be doing something else? #cactus #succulents #houseplants #greenthumb
Reposted byAvatar VanillaScott