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She/Her. Soapmaker, lapsed writer, really just very tired. I foster lots of cats, and have a special soft spot for ferals and feral rehab. Autistic/ADHD. Disabled - cEDS. Tasmanian.

You can buy soap here:
Tali is RIDICULOUS. She has decided she will absolutely cut someone if it means she can have cooked egg, or one very specific cheese. I had to share my breakfast or face the consequences. And she will brave ALL the squirt bottles if it means a chance of stealing this one specific cheese.
Tali responds to me putting my entire face into the snuggle puddle by sitting up and asking to be kissed on the little head again.
Snuggly Honey girl! Getting Honey socialised has been such a slow process because she has zero confidence, but look at her! On my lap and enjoying it!
Eepy little monsters. So eepy they didn't even harass me while I did dinner.
Zaida has been enjoying trying to touch the kittens on the Tiny Kittens Livestream.
I should also add, I follow back people who talk with me. It's a pretty easy way to weed bots out and find cool people to chat with. I forgot to mention that.
Hello to all my lovely new followers after the kittens went a little viral! Kittens really are fantastic. I'm Veronica and I foster lots of cats, mostly kittens, but also scared adults, and former ferals. Here is Milton, an ex-feral who decided he loves me best. Took months, but worth it.
This little monster has been escaping through the kitchen door every chance she gets, even hiding under the dogs to sneak out. Today she worked out how to unlatch it ALL BY HERSELF and I cannot even. Someone adopt her. She is a very intelligent chaos god, and utterly unrepentant.
I spent yesterday packaging new soaps, ready for customers and wholesale clients. I'm really happy with these two. They smell amazing. Avocado Mint, and Blood Orange Rhubarb.
Wings ready, Tali is ready for takeoff again.
This kitten is making it very hard to do any work. Lucky she is cute.
In other "not being poked full of holes by kittens" news... I made lovely Japanese Cherry Blossom scented soap! I expected it to thicken really fast, but it was actually a delight to work with! (Some fragrances are naughty and make the soap batter thicken too fast). So I'm really happy with it.
Today's ridiculous Tali photo - attempting takeoff on a vertical runway.
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Just got the email that my new batch of soaps are on their way. These soaps are beautiful and if you can afford to treat yourself I thoroughly recommend them.
Okay, this kitten is RIDICULOUS.
The good butcher had chicken livers! Which means I can make pate! And they were only $3.50 for 500g which is very nice.
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WE INTERRUPT THIS INSTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BRING YOU THIS VERY IMPORTANT FROG thank you for your attention more updates as events warrant
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This huge Arthropleura plush is all finished and ready to head home to her owner! Over three feet in length and meticulously handmade with soft minky.
Spent yesterday taking product photos and packaging some of the soaps coming off the curing shelves. Orange Vanilla Oat, Passionfruit Lime, Black Raspberry Vanilla.
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Oh to be a little ex-feral cat, warm and cosy on a lap while the temperature outside drops below freezing.
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I started to type “spots comin’ in” and my phone corrected it to “Spots Colin” so that’s his name now
It was -6.2C (20F) here this morning and it is VERY CRISP out there. My feet are not loving me. How long until Spring?
This is a VERY good kitten. A+ warm and snuggly. I've kissed her little head, lots.
"Tali. Don't you chomp my plants." GONNA CHOMP "Don't you do it!" CHOMP. ffs
The kittens are not cold this morning, and it is time for chaos and ATTACK and leaping.
I am awake and alive on this balmy Saturday morning! And by balmy I mean it was -5C.
Quick curing shelf shot of the Lemon Oat Goat Milk Soap from last month. I need to set up to do a bunch of product photos but I couldn't resist this one. It smells amazing.
Very excited, I might hopefully have a local goat milk supplier! I've been trying to find a replacement for a while!
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We're gonna try to grow some tiny humans in a lab and get them put in there. This will also cost a lot of money. We do not actually have a lot of money. Were doing it anyway. If you'd like to chuck in a fiver, we'd be supremely grateful forever! You can do that here:
So today I had an allegedly minor surgery. I had my uterus resurfaced because there were some things in there not conducive to life. This cost and I almost $3000, which we are not chill about, but it was essential to do.
Pay Cassandra Russell using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Zaida is full of MURDER and PLAY tonight and it's really my own fault for bemoaning the lack of cats hanging out with me. Now I have been thoroughly chewed and romped on.