
Maybe I'm the last to learn this but The Atlantic's Editor In Chief served with the IOF(!) as a prison guard(!!) in a mass population desert prison camp during the 1st Intifada(!!!!)
In our latest we take a close look at the recent Atlantic piece that asserted “it is possible to kill children legally” and how the piece’s surrounding argument attempts to launder justification for genocide through a veneer of statistics and “objectivity”
On The Atlantic’s “The UN’s Gaza Statistics Make No Sense” (06/05/24) Beatrice, Abby and Phil discuss a recent article by The Atlantic staff writer Graeme Wood that went viral for its assertion that, in the context of the genocide in Palestine, “it is possible to kill c
abolish The Atlantic and replace it with nothing
Sorry to tell you, but the Atlantic is still spreading. Maybe America will disappear under the Pacific? I'm afraid we'll have to wait a few million years for that happy outcome..
This is so validating Vicky because I was thinking to myself as I put those notes aside for the recording: “maybe this is too obvious of a point I feel like everyone already knows this”
I still want to revisit the piece Graeme did in 2020 about your book together sometime, having reread it last week it is categorically so much worse than I remembered it being!!!!
I had heard that he had been in IOF at one point but it hadn't underlined itself into my brain because I hadn't heard about the camp!!
Yeah the detail about Ansar III really makes it 🤢🤢🤢 This is the report I was reading from in case you’re curious to dig in more:
That explains a lot actually
Jeffrey Goldberg is a colossal piece of fucking shit