
I asked Meta’s AI why US users don’t have the option to opt out of training data
The real answer being, "we'll only respect your wishes if the law forces us to".
I'm just hearing Yes Man from Fallout.
It doesn't matter regardless because the option to fill out the form to opt out is intentionally broken, atleast on my side it is. They are going crazy lengths to not allow people to opt out.
Actually a lot of people have reported that mostly if not everyone was declined entirely about opting out of Meta’s bs for AI. Also a lot of people were trying to find to where to apply to opt out and it’s very hidden somewhere so that’s why people weren’t able to find it… it sucks :(
Thats pretty much what I'm talking about though, its manufactured in a specfic way to not allow you to opt out. The form itself varies depending where you live but non of that matters, the whole "opt out" process is, by design, broken. An illusion to seem like you have a choice but you don't.
It’s so bad… and looking back at the times that people BEGGED insta to fix the algorithm was worth nothing. For me, imma archive every post I made and moving to Cara. I fooled around with the app a bit and it’s so well done. It’s everything people hope for and I love it more than insta.
It’s still in beta but eventually it will be fleshed out and also I remember being so mad as I scroll through the Cara feed and seeing so many underrated artist that I never got to see on Instagram that alone says a lot.
Can't remove it in NZ either At least we can switch copilot off - for now
The US is SO behind on privacy and protection laws.
You might say that's by design
The lobbyists are too powerful here sadly.
I found it yesterday but it was pretty convoluted to get to (I’m in Canada though) and isn’t a guarantee you’d be opted out, just a request they “consider” 🙄
Yeah I submitted that same form months ago. They’ll send you an email asking you to prove harm and that it even scraped your data, which of course, nobody actually has 🫠
Brasil also has an opt out form, but to be honest i doubt that they even care about the answers...
I mean. Yeah. Europeans have a lot of data subject rights we don't
US only cares about the users’ data security when the company collecting them is Chinese. I wonder why