
i have no real idea what my gender and sexuality are so i made my own pride flag based on the label colors for Baja Blast
At least these colors actually co-ordinate, unlike most of the flags XD
yeah, especially the polyam flag 😞😞 i'd like to use it! i get the history behind it! but... look at it
That one's pretty awful lol. I specifically don't like the trans flag color because I'm 100% it was only i tended for women, hence the pastels. 🙄
pastels aren't just for women though?
Granted - I grew up when Miami Vice was cool! - it's just the flag looks to me like a baby powder label or something. But it's just a very ridiculous pet peeve on my part. :)
I think also there's that particular color scheme reads as babyish, and trans guys being infantalized is infuriating and gross to me. I dunno.
YEAHHHH 😩 i definitely personally feel you there
Which polyam flag? Because the newer version is kind of pretty.
The yellow sideways heart is kind of fuggly. This is just from a personal design sense, tho, I'm not trying to shit on the flags themselves.
That’s actually the Shiny version! They’re gold! 🤣
Fair! Obviously designs aren’t to everyone’s tastes and aesthetics. Sideways heart threw me when I had to draw the flag for someone, but I think it’s interesting how it lines up with the chevron point and border between the top two colors.
I was joking about this years ago, and described a trans flag that was a skull with bat wings and a snake winding through the eye holes, and Kriscrash actually drew it! It was so boss.
That’s flipping awesome! I need to draw my own flag, that’s for damn sure.
it is! my brain cringes at the offset of sections (i know why they did it that way it just bugs me lol), & i don't know specifics but wasn't there a lot of Discourseᵀᴹ around it/the creators when it was initially pushing to replace the old one? it was on tumblr though so, could just be nothing lmao
I mean technically none of these are official - you could do whatever you like and says it's a something-something pride flag. It's not like there's a Grand High Council of Queers that decides on these things, or if there is I am REALLY out of the loop.
That’s the awesome thing about being queer! You get to define yourself how you please and people who try to confine you to their rules get mauled. 🐺✨