
i gotta say if this is a problem for you, you gotta have a problem with bluesky because auto labeling swastika content from someone talking about history is basically the ur example of how this content moderation is going to fail and it's baked in
After this week's momentous Supreme Court ruling I posted about the 1933 Enabling Act in Germany as a warning about the dangers of growing totalitarianism. Disappointed to learn labelled it "radical views advocating violence, hate, or discrimination." Very poor job
After appeal the label was removed. It's not a problem for me per se but merely an observation that Bsky's content moderation needs work. The label was applied 2 days after the post, which means if limiting bad faith "swastika content" is a goal, the process is also too slow.
yeah that's even stranger than i was assuming, i added this to the thread bc now im curious why it works that way