Vinicius "Vin" Werneck

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Vinicius "Vin" Werneck

Freelance Illustrator, also D&D DM... oh yeah, I do have a Master of Arts in illustration.
30+ (He/His)
The future looks só... Fucked up
Uhhhh… this is probably bad 😬😬
I'll post this here as well because I seem to have more reach here but yeah.... 2014-2024 Keep practicing, keep "ARTing"
Hi #PortfolioDay 🎨I'm Vin Werneck, a freelance artist from Brazil who loves to paint fantastical stories, characters and landscapes. I'm currently looking for new opportunities and free lance work. My portfolio can be found at: 📷
HEY! Today is Side Quested's 2nd anniversary, and I asked to do this ADORABLE art of Robin to celebrate! Happy anniversary to us!!! #webcomics
I treated my psoriasis, a condition affected by stress... Guess what came back right on time to visit my family.... I wonder why...
Lindon Arelius, The Dragon Descends. (fan art of MC from Will Wight's Cradle series) #fantasyillustration #cradle #LindonArelius #mtgfanart #planeswalker
The astronauts aboard the ISS were amazed by the April 8 solar eclipse, just like the rest of us, and went crazy snapping photos from orbit. They got some amazing views of the Moon's shadow sweeping across southern Canada & Maine: 🧪🔭
For the last week I've been waking up with a headache... It sucks and I don't know what it could be
I changed where the twitter app is on my phone to this one... Will that change something?
I'm jealous of people that were able to see the total solar eclipse today
I want to be more active here but I dont't know... I just drop for weeks until something brings me back... but it's a better network than the alternative so why don't stay here?
"picked another artist" "it doesn't match any projects we have" "forwarded your portfolio" "save your contact information in the database" "we'll pass this along to the art director for consideration" ------------------------ I don't know what to do anymore It's not easy...
I'm going to post this again. My commissions are still open. #commissions #artcommissions
I don't know how I'll proceed... this isn't working and I might need to figure out something else to do...
Commissions are open - Here's the sheet you've all been looking for
Hi newskies! I'm a writer, editor, and artist who uses Bluesky mainly for shitposts. Except for my books, everything I do is available free online, such as this long-running webcomic about ghosts and dead presidents: And a new comic about love and magic!
The Dark Lord Morgoth destroys the tree of light and murders the Noldor king, Finwë. Fëanor and his seven sons swear an Oath. Nightfall by Blind Guardian lyrics "I swear revenge" goes hard. That moment I witnessed it live is branded in my mind as my arms were swinging as if I was part of the oath.
So tomorrow I'll try to organize a comm sheet or something similar... I wanna see how it will work out. I'm not really optimistic about it.
Here are my four comfort movies. What are yours?
Here are my four comfort movies. What are yours?
Hum... so I saw that there are certain feeds on here... how does one join them as in my posts show up there? There are certain art feeds that I would love to be a part of.
So my HD is dying... I might need to open emergency comms in order to get a replacement...
Genuine question for people who commission artwork. How important is a commission sheet? What type of information are you looking for in a sheet?
Hey... am I back? I don't know... maybe... I'll add this to bookmarks and try to open it more often.
Just finished a project... something "big". Well, big enough for me... I feel like shit, I feel like I fucked up everything and that I'll never work with these people again... did the say anything alike? No, but my Imposter syndrome did... Now I'm anxious and shaky....
So yeah... Lately my working hours are all over the place... It's 8am and I'm going to bed... But I was really productive so yeah...
Hum... Here's me wondering if blue sky is viable to get commissions or if it's too small as a platform
I don't think I've posted this one anywhere.. it's been a while since I posted some art...
Here's a question to my fellow artists and art directors... If asked to send in 4 thumbnails... is it ok to send 9??? I know it sounds stupid but genuine question here...
The Vengeful Vampire
Avatar is there anyway we could get your process threads as PDFs? I would pay for them. They taught me so much and I would hate to see them go because the platform they are on went to smithereens.... Love your work.