
In honor of today's late Winter Storm, behold the Weatherball, a postwar icon and pre-internet pioneer of modern weather reporting. A 🧵
Oh heck I just cottoned on to the fact that it doesn't actually say " NI WI " and I'm slightly disappointed now.
It's even better than NI WI! Think of it as the beacon of the North West, similar to the 9th District map of the Federal Reserve Bank.
Nice! Genuine question: Does the entire MSP social media community have this sort of unrivalled access to regional history?? Archival memory seems to be a embedded feature
I've wondered that too! There seem to be more real and armchair historians per capita here than anywhere else, lots of really good ones. My theory is the high education levels + a unusually deep history that can be newly mined for interesting stuff all the time.
My theory (because it applies to me) is that people who move here from somewhere else try harder to "catch up" on local history in order to fit in, (doesn't work.) I don't know squat about my home state.
I'd second this theory. I know next to nothing about Pennsylvania history beyond Ben Franklin, William Penn, and the Liberty Bell.
That beats Crazy Legs Hirsch, Jean Dixon, and "Bottles" Capone. Wisconsin can claim Willam Dafoe though - a helluva get.
Pennsylvania has, uh... Jake Tapper? Joe Biden? Sam Alito? Ugh. 😖
I wonder how much MNHS and similar play a role. I spent some time in CO and maybe not talked to the right people, but their hobbyist meet-ups don't generally seem to feature this degree of photographic history. (Also where is everyone getting these photos??)
Hennepin County Library is the best local history image resource, a real model for the rest of the country. MN Historical Society has awesome resources but if you want to look at anything more than a low-resolution image, they expect payment.
And MNHS has had disastrous redo of their website with most resources still offline. HCLIB is definitely the top quality image resource in the state, followed by University of MN and mndigital
I'm kinda surprised they haven't pasted attributions all over the images, at least those I've seen.
If you're talking about HCLIB, I asked them about attribution for a project and they're like "hey free to use, no copyright, have a great day", just like the Library of Congress. That's how it should be done. MNHS and Ramsey County HS charge for images not in copyright, absolutely appalling.