Vic Thorstenson

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Vic Thorstenson

Marcy-Holmes, Minneapolis. Once the centerfold photographer for Low Bidder Magazine.
Supreme House of Cheese Toluca, IL
Good Night ONLY to the Pulbic Works employee who has consistently refused to paint over Snoopy on the Henn/Lyndale pedestrian bridge
AD REP: (nervous) Well, uh, Mr. Popsicle, you can’t say that. It’s not true. CLIENT: (irritated) Yeah? Just put an exclamation mark on it, see? All the cigarettes are doing it. And the toothpaste people. It’s the thirties! AD REP: But there isn’t room…. CLIENT: (fist on table) Put it behind it!
I think about a skeet I saw on here saying Main Street SE should have always been pedestrianized with no cars. The last time they re-cobbled the street they made parking bays with the granite pavers turned sideways to separate the spaces. It's baked in!
little known fact: the ornamental street lamps in Saint Paul are flecked on top
Messi sees Spruce Tree Center
A downed tree from last night's storm narrowly missed the B.O Cutter House in the #Marcy-Holmes-Dinkytown neighborhood. (4th St & 10th Ave SE) The house is in the National Register, one of just a handful of antebellum homes in Minneapolis that's still around.
We missed an opportunity, Minnesota.
Beautiful composite image of Hubble + Webb data of Arp 142 by Алексей Кудря (@Alex_A_Lex on X). 🔭 🧪
Now, who would like to see pictures of my 1978 visit to the offices of MAD Magazine.
I think the page designer wanted some downed roman columns to illustrate "disregard for law." What the stock photo service pull up instead were two old street lamp poles laying on their side.
Oh damn!
The long-awaited (by me at least) Oak Street Bikeway is finally here!
I did a lot of typesetting on one of these buggers for two years in the mid-1980s. The mini-cassettes held 13k of data. I would write it out in compugraphic code and send it via a 300 baud modem to the Northeaster for RC output. It felt like I was performing a miracle.
Laptops used to come with micro-cassette drives and sherry glasses, we have lost our ways
New sticker acquired on this trip. Thank you, every Minnesotan—past, present, and future—for the gift of this state park system. Truly a gem.
Does the father of a member of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band have his name on YOUR place of work?
I say East Minneapolis because you can see buildings that are in Northeast and others that are in Southeast Minneapolis in this picture. Also because, in theory, East Minneapolis exists.
The cherries were a bust this year but the blueberries have been going gangbusters.
Good friend, 67, is gravely disappointed that (in spite of not drinking or smoking, staying in excellent shape, and eating faultless diet) she now needs daily meds for glaucoma and blood pressure Me:
We never talk about Manitoba’s weird attempt to be Bigger Minnesota
For over 70 years, electric utilities around the world used the "Reddy Kilowatt" cartoon character in advertisements, signs, and logos He featured in movies, comic books, and songs to promote electricity usage Only a few utilities still use him, but he's still in many signs on electrical equipment
I know a lot of people look forward to this particular concert every summer, so I'm real sorry to share that it isn't gonna happen this year. We wish it could, but the bottom line is that we're union, and we don't cross picket lines. Please support your Mpls parks workers!
July 6, 1937: “IT'S TRUE! Laid flat, one upon another, the copies in the July issue of the Minneapolis Telephone Directory would make a stack 3 miles high.” (Minneapolis Star)
Sent to me by a friend.
Feb. 12, 1869: “It will be a strange sight to see these two wheeled machines kiting around our city.” The Minneapolis Tribune reacts to what it reports as the city’s first bicycle.
In 1942, before he was Minneapolis mayor, Hubert Humphrey served as featured speaker at the city's annual observation of Appomattox Day.
Mni Sóta Territory depicted in the 1857 Atlas of the United States. County lines in red, survey lines for the proposed Pacific Railway in purple. Map by HD Rogers & AK Johnston, London, via University of Minnesota Borchert Map Library