
Well, this could explain why I've only caught it once. I've been on Zyrtec daily for 15 years.
I hesitated to repost because I'm not a doctor and don't pretend to understand these things, but it seems like an amazing discovery!
Ohh, this is interesting. 20+ years here.
i take claritin daily but not the over the counter kind….hmmm
Iiiiiiinteresting! I have not had covid to my knowledge and I take Zyrtec or Claritin (I switch it up every once in a while because apparently that’s a good thing to do?) every day.
What were you QTing, Sam? It’s gone now.
It was a link to a study about OTC antihistamines like Zyrtec and Claritin potentially having some use in preventing Covid transmission. OP followed up with this:
deleted the post about antihistamines and Covid because it mostly focused on method of action, and someone rightfully pointed out that the concentrations studied in the paper were overstated. fwiw, azelastine has an effect in prescription dosages
yeah there’s a method of action there but the doses that showed it helping were way larger than you’d get over the counter. jury’s still out on whether or not Zyrtec or anything like that is going to have a measurable effect.
Ah, okay, that does make sense. Guess it's back to my original theory that I've just been lucky!
Huh, but I also have been on Zyrtec or Claritin daily for at least 12 years and have also not gotten covid as far as I know. Same with my partner. How many of us before it becomes not just anecdotes but data?
Afaik (as another daily h1 & h2 blocker user) the early signals of potential benefit observed in 2020 have not held up under further study, except for possible benefit of famotidine (pepcid, an h2 blocker) for possibly reducing severity of covid.