
Can anyone explain why an insurance company would approve a prescription with multiple refills, then about half way through the refills suddenly ask for a prior authorization? Especially since that interrupts a medication that must be taken regularly to be fully effective.
sometimes they do it if the refill is made by a new company or generic?
Thanks, but this is for emgality, a monthly injection of antibodies to prevent migraines. I've been on that and Ajovy for several years. Insurance keeps doing this to me. They don't save any money and I have to live through more migraines while it is sorted.
sorry you have to deal w/this bullshit. what insurance company. I've had my share of batttles w/them. had to hire a lawyer a few years ago to get united healthcare off my back.
Blue cross. Man, I'm sorry your company gave you such a horrible time. It's always bad when accountants are deciding what sort of healthcare you get and how much you have to pay for it.
we've been on BCBS for a few years now and honestly it's the best i've had in years. through my wife's work. I can't figure out how some of them operate differently...