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Father, husband, teacher, scientist, and hopefully a good human.
Can anyone explain why an insurance company would approve a prescription with multiple refills, then about half way through the refills suddenly ask for a prior authorization? Especially since that interrupts a medication that must be taken regularly to be fully effective.
Just saw Todd Barnes whining on CNN that Trump didn't need to be tried in Manhattan. However, the constitution specifically says crimes should be tried where they occurred unless you can't get a fair jury. If the jury pool was tainted, it was by Trump himself.
Trump is finally keeping one of his promises. He's racking up enough felony convictions to get sentenced to prison - thus making America great again.
I saw some pictures of Trump chowing down on mounds of junk food yesterday. All I could think was that we have proof of that old saying, "You are what you eat."
A couple of days ago some rando was telling me how the Pacers would be lucky if they didn't loose every game with the Celtics by double digits. Game 1, a five point loss - in overtime. I guess the Pacers got lucky?
I decided to rewatch the Hunger Games movies before they leave Netflix. It's kind of eerie how much the capital seems to resemble Mar-a-Lago. Even the president in the Hunger Games resembles Trump in his cruelty and lack of empathy, although in a more intelligent manner.
Remember shock jocks and morning zoo programs? They always pushed the boundaries until stepping over and coming back diminished, if at all. I think Lauren Boebert crossed that line, and MTG is crossing it. Hence the rumors of republicans punishing them for their antics.
I guess this is shallow and naïve, but I've met over a dozen people from Israel and a few people from Palestine. All decent, likeable people. So how can extremists like Netanyahu and Hamas be overwhelming and destroying all these good, worthwhile people?
Mood: really hungry and not a single damn thing in the kitchen looks good, not even the popcorn.
I saw a video of a dog cowering from Kristi Noem while she was doing a TV interview. Then I was told this was actually a video of Darth Vader the dog was cowering from. Which got me thinking, have we ever actually seen Kristi Noem and Darth Vader in the same place? 🤔
How long before RFK, Jr. starts claiming he got brain worms in a vaccination?
Sorry I'm late, but I told you to wear a condom.
sorry I was late, I was out being a bitch for 7 years
I'm just wondering, what is the consequence for peeing on the carpet in Kristi Neom's house?
Does anyone remember a How I met Your Mother episode called the naked man. A rather pathetic guy undresses while his date is in the bath, hoping for pity sex. That aired two years after Trump used the same move on Stormy Daniels. Did the writers hear a rumor?
Damn, that was a frustrating loss. I guess it's time to go get some chores done.
Can you hear the Mets screaming if we win this challenge?
I just saw a report that Barron Trump is filing an appeal of Judge Merchan's order that Donald Trump can attend Baron's graduation. Melania Trump filed an amicus brief as well.
We get our deodorant and skin treatment from Little Seed Farm, which uses goat's milk and bee's wax in their formulas. I'm not sure if this really obnoxious, but I just messaged them to see if their fences will keep Kristi Noem out to protect the goats.
I'm going to assume that PCA was using the transitive property of equipment to stay safe. He is touching the helmet, which is touching the base, so by the transitive property he is touching the bag. I may have taught too many math classes for my own good. 😂
I've never had a persistent little stalker like this guy. As best I can figure, they have one account to listen, and lots of sock puppet accounts to make their inane comments. I've already reported 8 or more of the sock puppets. What a waste of time.
It's fun watching a team whose defense is good enough that not every well hit ball goes in for a base hit. And of course as I'm typing this comment a seeing eye single goes through the infield.
Given the way this series is going, there is a pretty good chance this one run lead may hold up.
Reposted byAvatar Jim
Reposted byAvatar Jim
As I keep saying, proud to be an Indiana Daily Student alum, and so proud of the work the current staff is doing covering the protest and the administration's response. Here's a link to donate to the IDS.
Indiana Daily Studentwww.idsnews.com Indiana Daily Student
I enjoy having Pandora, but it bothers me that they pay their artists so little. But on the good side they are supporting Joe Rogan. I also wish that when I like a song on one station they start playing it on other stations with a very different theme.
@starclusterr.bsky.social I thought you might be amused by this coincidence. I turned on Pandora and the first song to come up was Sweet Talking Woman.
@starclusterr.bsky.social Hey Patrick, sorry my little stalker got onto your feed. Please just block and report their little homophobic ass.
Listening to a podcast with Trevor Noah. He stated that good comedy has to be based on truth. Which may explain why so much of the right wing comedy just doesn't make me laugh. Not much truth to be found.