
if you have policies that incentivize employees in any way to use a mouse jiggler and you then run an audit that detects people using a mouse jiggler I think you kind of have to fire those people. you should really avoid the first two things though
Wells Fargo fired a dozen people accused of faking keyboard strokes | CNN The pandemic may have released us from the tyranny of the five-day-a-week office schedule. But the grip of America’s busy-work culture is proving harder to shake.
This is true, but it's trivially true. The real problem here is that Wells Fargo's management and C-suite apparently do not believe that the purpose of work is to complete tasks to gain income, it's to have a timeshare in your employee's life.
People (correctly) trash talk business schools, but I swear to Cthulhu that we don't teach this stuff and it's absolutely everywhere. 100% of executives would rather make less money as long as they can be a petty tyrant and I don't want to understand.
For many, the money isn't about the money, the money is a proxy for what they really want- power over others. They'll give up the proxy if it means they get more of the real thing.
I will forever hold that the most honest depiction of the mindset of a millionaire in American pop-culture is The Million Dollar Man in good old WWE:
What made DiBiase's heel work as the character so great wasn't merely that he was rich, but that he really drilled down into one of the great sicknesses of America- men with lots of money and a lust for humiliating others, who prey on those desperate enough to debase themselves for cash.
The bits of management theory I've been exposed to suggest you spend a lot of time trying to talk people out of behaving like that
It turns out "greed is good" was goated business theory all along; for all the sociopathic behavior it leads to, at least it's predictable sociopathic behavior that mostly makes sense so we can try to plan around it Bosses are out there douche maxing instead of profit maxing and it's insane
Wrath can be mollified, avarice can be appeased, but the vain and arrogant know no bounds.
"The goddess could not always be reminding kings and queens of the folly of war so she invented tacticians." – Diane Duane Sometimes it seems to me that business schools exist to teach business people to do a halfway decent job.